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The men went to work, and the women followed to look after them, ha! ha!" Jean winked provokingly at Babet, who took him up sharply. "And why should not the women go after the men? I trow men are not so plentiful in New France as they used to be before this weary war began. It well behooves the women to take good care of all that are left." "That is true as the Sunday sermon," remarked Jean.

The pages of the church books during his pastorate are also provokingly barren of record, and little that they contain is in Bunyan's handwriting. As Dr. Brown has said, "he seems to have been too busy to keep any records of his busy life." Nor can we fill up the blank from external authorities.

"I went to Gail as soon as Phyllis had called me up and had had it out with me which, I may add, she did rather severely," he went on calmly, though he still held one hand as if he was afraid Joy would vanish again. "And Gail said " He stopped provokingly, and Joy held her breath. "Well, I won't torment you, though I am inclined to think you deserve it.

It falls to my waist; I'll show it to you some time. . . . But I had no idea you noticed such things," she repeated, as though to herself. "Oh, I'm apt to notice all sorts of things," he said, looking so provokingly wise that she dropped her hair and clapped both hands over her eyes. "Now," she said, "if you are so observing, you'll know the colour of my eyes. What are they?"

"I want to read you something I've written," he said, and he drew from his pocket a paper. "If it's another description of the timber-land you have for sale-please, not to me," she answered provokingly, for she guessed well what he held in his hand. She had seen him writing it.

He chuckled at the memory. "What happened?" I asked. "Jerry jumped over the wheel, caught the man by the collar of his coat and threw him into the street. He was a big 'un too." Ballard lingered provokingly in the narrative, which was interesting me greatly. "And then?" I asked. "The fellow rose, covered with slime, looking vicious.

"Boys are so awkward and have such big feet and hands, and and " "And are such good fellows to wait on girls," grinned Bud provokingly. "Which shows girls' real superiority," smiled back Ruth. "Well, if you are satisfied, what are you kicking for? You haven't heard Thure and me wishing that we were girls, have you?" queried Bud triumphantly.

"Am I?" She asked, looking at him with a provokingly doubtful expression, but feeling rather nervous all the time. "Then I must congratulate you on being a great deal better acquainted with my state of mind than I am myself. I don't know how it is, but for my own part, I confess that I cannot find any indication of such a condition as you describe." Here Seymour looked up.

But McCrae was provokingly non-committal. "Oh, they may try it," he assented somewhat grudgingly, one day when the rector had laid out for his inspection the architects' sketch for the settlement house. "No doubt it will help many poor bodies along." "Is there anything else?" the rector asked, looking searchingly at his assistant. "It may as well be that," replied McCrae.

"Should what, Meg?" he densely queried. "Should why, you know just as well as I do, and he has such a fine practice, and comes from such an admirable family and all that." "Undoubtedly, but where does Agatha come in?" "Wilbur, you are just as provokingly sluggish as our own Chicago River, what wouldn't I give for a sight of its dirty face sometimes when when you're away! Now, be honest.