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"Merci!" he whispered back, in much the same tone he would have used had I restored him a dropped pocket- handkerchief. They had the movements of a porpoise as he dives in and out of the water, and of an ungraceful and hideous pig when hopping along. The Duke fired his two shots, and let us hope two boars fell.

Why have the seals hung back? I believe I know the secret. It is the baby! No one knows where the porpoise and the whale cradle their newborn infants it is so difficult to pry into the domestic ways of these sea-people but evidently the seals cannot manage it, so they are forced to return to the land when the cares of maternity are on them.

I say, 'These are my daughters, and then people say, 'You mean your sisters. Still I married very young at seventeen and possibly that helps to explain it." ... "Oh, is that a shark out yonder? Well, anyway, it's a porpoise, and a porpoise is a kind of shark, isn't it? When a porpoise grows up, it gets to be a shark I read that somewhere.

I remember once seeing a porpoise accidentally struck by a minor description of fish-spear called a grains, a weapon quite inadequate for such a service. The cord by which it was held, being much too weak, soon broke, and off dashed the wounded fish, right in the wind's eye, at a prodigious rate, with the staff erect on its back, like a signal-post.

Salmon, sturgeon, porpoise, roach, dace, flounders, eels, etc., were caught in considerable quantities in the Thames, below London Bridge, and further up, pike and trout. The fishermen had great nets that stretched all across Limehouse-reach four fathoms deep.

"That isn't the explosion!" exclaimed the professor. "The fuse has not had time to get to the powder yet." "But the rock is disappearing!" yelled Andy. As he spoke the big pile of volcanic stone vanished completely and the Porpoise floated easily on the surface of the sea. "Hurrah!" cried Mark. "It am de most kloslostrous occurranceness dat eber transpositioned itself!" exploded Washington.

We all know that the arm and hand of a monkey, the foreleg and foot of a dog and of a horse, the wing of a bat, and the fin of a porpoise, are fundamentally identical; that the long neck of the giraffe has the same and no more bones than the short one of the elephant; that the eggs of Surinam frogs hatch into tadpoles with as good tails for swimming as any of their kindred, although as tadpoles they never enter the water; that the Guinea-pig is furnished with incisor teeth which it never uses, as it sheds them before birth; that embryos of mammals and birds have branchial slits and arteries running in loops, in imitation or reminiscence of the arrangement which is permanent in fishes; and that thousands of animals and plants have rudimentary organs which, at least in numerous cases, are wholly useless to their possessors, etc., etc.

In these I could not point out to you the parts that correspond with those of the horse, the backbone, for instance, as they are constructed upon a very different principle, which is also common to all of them; that is to say, the lobster, the spider, and the centipede, have a common plan running through their whole arrangement, in just the same way that the horse, the dog, and the porpoise assimilate to each other.

"I've been calling and calling," panted Joel, blowing like a porpoise, and running up with red cheeks, "and you wouldn't stop," he added in a very injured way. "Well, we didn't hear you, you beggar," cried Jasper. "Come, get in with you" putting out both hands to assist in the process. "Where have you been, Joe?" for old Mr. King was beyond talking.

But the chain remained tangled, and amid all kinds of mocking advice we drifted down upon and fouled the Ghost, whose bowsprit poked square through our mainsail and ripped a hole in it as big as a barn door. The Centipede and the Porpoise doubled up on the cabin in paroxysms of laughter, and left us to get clear as best we could.