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'The police have been down at Rolt's stupid fellow left old gander's feet about Mrs. Barker swore to 'em 'cause he'd had so many kicks and bites on common Jesse's took up and peached I've been hiding about all night precious cold it was, and just waiting, you see, to wish you good-bye. Harold, very much shocked, could have dispensed with his farewells, nor did he like the look of his eyes.

Money we must get somehow, some way any way. We must realize five thousand dollars to save Hal, between now and this day week. It remains for you to think of some way to obtain it. If Hal peached on us, we would go up along with him, so, you see, the money must be raised somehow.

I ben tryin' to lead a godly an' Chris'chun life, ez Scripcheh sez, fu' fawty yeahs, now, an' I hope I'd a foun' dyin' grace at de las'. You see, seh, thing hoped me mos' was de thoughts of a tex' Bro' Moss preached on las' Sund'y; 'peached like hit hep' on jinglin' in my hade all time dey was jawin' an' fightin' with me." "What text was it?" I asked.

He does a steady business hoodwinking the Customs for the benefit of his American clients and himself. And I'd've made a neat little profit besides: something to fall back on, if this fell through. I don't mind having two strings to my bow." "Yes," argued Mulready; "but suppose this Kirkwood had taken on with you and then peached?"

Two of them have 'peached, and the fence will be discovered." He took the keys from Marables and opened the door; I had replaced the lamp upon the table. Fleming entered, took a seat on the locker on the larboard side, and felt for the lamp. Marables followed him, and sat down on the starboard locker; escape was impossible. With a throbbing heart I sat in silence, watching my fate.

'He may go hang for me, said Fitzsimons sulkily; 'and he'd better be off quickly, too, for the jeweller and the tailor have called once, and will be here again before long. It was Moses the pawnbroker that peached: I had the news from him myself. By which I conclude that Mr.

We were jugged, and the first thing I knowed my companion, who had put me up to the work, peached, and saved his precious carcass from being transported." "How long was you sent for, Day?" asked Mr. Brown. "Ten years four of 'em I passed at hard labor, and then I got a ticket of leave, and came out here as a shepherd.

"Because, sense he didn't kill the gal, why shu'd he keer 'bout gittin' someone else in the limbo. Partner, you ain't sharp." "I may not be. Of course Andrew didn't kill the girl, but he knows who did, and " "Does he? Then somebody's peached." "Not necessary. Andy Barkswell's not a fool, Mr. Jounce." "No?" The look on the tramp's face was comical in the extreme.

"A whole boatload," the girl said, so that now it would "all come out, and master would be hanged." Mrs Dick told her not to talk in that way of her master, but to find out if any of the men had peached. When the girl had gone she seemed to collect herself. She became a different woman in a minute. "Well, if he's taken," she said, "they'll be here. That's very sure. They'll search the premises.

Catherine hitherto; perhaps he never would have peached at all; and perhaps, therefore, this history would never have been written, but for a small circumstance which occurred at this period. "What can you want with that drunken old Corporal always about your quarters?" said Mr. Trippet to the Count one day, as they sat over their wine, in the midst of a merry company, at the Captain's rooms.