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He thought she was just the one to keep him steady. Poor Ole! He used to bring me candy from town, hidden in his feed-bag. He could n’t refuse anything to a girl. He’d have given away his tattoos long ago, if he could. He’s one of the people I’m sorriest for.”

He was not merely a big snake, I thoughthe was a circus monstrosity. His abominable muscularity, his loathsome, fluid motion, somehow made me sick. He was as thick as my leg, and looked as if millstones could n’t crush the disgusting vitality out of him. He lifted his hideous little head, and rattled.

He had n’t much head behind his ears, and his tawny fleece grew down thick to the back of his neck. His eyes were not frank and wide apart like those of the other boys, but were deep-set, gold-green in color, and seemed sensitive to the light. His mother said he got hurt oftener than all the others put together.

I met Ántonia downtown on Saturday afternoon, and learned that she and Tiny and Lena were going to the river next day with Anna Hansenthe elder was all in bloom now, and Anna wanted to make elder-blow wine. “Anna’s to drive us down in the Marshalls’ delivery wagon, and we’ll take a nice lunch and have a picnic. Just us; nobody else. Could n’t you happen along, Jim? It would be like old times.”

That spring Lena went with me to see Joseph Jefferson inRip Van Winkle,” and to a war play calledShenandoah.” She was inflexible about paying for her own seat; said she was in business now, and she would n’t have a schoolboy spending his money on her. I liked to watch a play with Lena; everything was wonderful to her, and everything was true.

Ántonia pushed her away. “You’ll never get it out like that,” she said sharply. She gave my head a rough touzling and finished me off with something like a box on the ear. “Lena, you ought n’t to try to wear those slippers any more. They’re too small for your feet. You’d better give them to me for Yulka.”

Shimerda had once said that my grandfatherwas n’t Jesus.” His habitual skepticism was like a direct inheritance from that old woman. “None of your smart speeches,” said Ambrosch severely.

Anton, he was a city man, and he used to get discouraged. But I could n’t feel so tired that I would n’t fret about these trees when there was a dry time. They were on my mind like children. Many a night after he was asleep I’ve got up and come out and carried water to the poor things. And now, you see, we have the good of them.

Now, would you have thought that man had such a cruel heart?” Ántonia turned to me after the story was told. “To go and do that poor woman out of any comfort she might have from his money after he was gone!” “Did you ever hear of anybody else that killed himself for spite, Mr. Burden?” asked Rudolph. I admitted that I had n’t.

In the afternoon, when the heat was less oppressive, we had a lively game ofPussy Wants a Corner,” on the flat bluff-top, with the little trees for bases. Lena was Pussy so often that she finally said she would n’t play any more. We threw ourselves down on the grass, out of breath.