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Edouard shall go to the Prytanee, and I will marry off your daughter." "General!" "That's all settled with Roland." Then, turning to Josephine, he said: "Take Madame de Montrevel with you, and try not to let her be bored. Then, giving Edouard a friendly tap, he dismissed the two women with a wave of the hand.

"It is midnight, you are here in my room, I weep in your arms I, the daughter of General de Montrevel and the sister of Roland and you say, 'If you loved me." "I was wrong, I was wrong, my darling Amelie. Yes, I know that you were brought up in adoration of that man; you cannot understand that any one should resist him, and whoever does resist him is a rebel in your eyes."

Roland held out his hand, saying: "Thank you!" The Englishman bowed. "Now," continued Roland, "as you have had the good taste, my lord, to tell me who you were before offering your services, it is but fair that, since I accept them, I should tell you who I am." "Oh! as you please." "My name is Louis de Montrevel; I am aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte." "Aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte.

And the young man consoled himself for ceasing to be a descendant of St. Louis by becoming the nephew of Charlemagne. Roland no one would have dared to call Captain Montrevel Louis after Bonaparte had baptized him Roland made the campaign of Italy with his general, and returned with him to Paris after the peace of Campo Formio.

The struggle had been going on for two years, and Languedoc was a scene of fire and bloodshed. Marshal Montrevel had gained great advantages when the king ordered Villars to put an end to the revolt.

The whole talk at table, as may be easily imagined, centred upon the day's prowess. Edouard asked nothing better than to talk about it, and Sir John, astounded by Roland's skill, courage, and good luck, improved upon the child's narrative. Madame de Montrevel shuddered at each detail, and yet she made them repeat it twenty times.

"Go," said Josephine; "Bonaparte's time is so precious that he is almost as impatient as Louis XV., who had nothing to do. He does not like to wait." Madame de Montrevel rose hastily and turned to take Edouard with her. "No," said Josephine; "leave this beautiful boy with me. You will stay and dine with us, and Bonaparte can see him then.

One of these was mistaken for the body of Cavalier; on which Montrevel, with characteristic barbarity, ordered the head to be cut off and sent to Cavalier's mother for identification! From the slight glimpses we obtain of the man Montrevel in the course of these deplorable transactions, there seems to have been something ineffably mean and spiteful in his nature.

Madame de Montrevel rose. She pushed little Edouard toward the bed, and the child stood on tiptoe to kiss his sister on the forehead. Then the mother followed him, and, leaning over, with a sob she pressed a kiss upon the same spot. Roland, with dry eyes but a breaking heart he would have given much for tears in which to drown his sorrow kissed his sister as his mother and little brother had done.

This news was brought to M. de Montrevel by a village priest called Verrien, who had in his pay vigilant and faithful spies in whom he had every confidence.