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Mr., or more properly Dr., Macintosh Mackay comes out to see me, a simple learned man, and a Highlander who weighs his own nation justly a modest and estimable person. I was beat up at midnight to sign a warrant against some delinquents. I afterwards heard that the officers were pursued by a mob from Galashiels, with purpose of deforcing them as far as St.

When they examined his body afterwards, it was found that the bullet had struck him in the exact centre of the forehead. "I am sorry for the puir mon, but it was an unco' good shot!" was the complacent remark of Macintosh, as he contemplated his handiwork. But that was later on. At the time he fired he remained still, as ordered, looking out for another chance.

Macintosh, after regarding Annie for some time, and taking silent observation of her modesty and good-breeding, said at last: "I like the look of you, Miss , Miss " "My name is Annie Melville."

Worst of all, there was nothing to do except to sit still; and Findlayson sat still under his macintosh till his helmet became pulp on his head, and his boots were over-ankle in mire.

Macintosh what she had done, that he might at once pronounce the penalty on what she never doubted he must regard as a case of simple theft; but she bethought herself that she would remain incapable of offering the least satisfaction, and must therefore be regarded merely as one who sought by confession to secure forgiveness and remission.

But he heard their scraps of talk, noting that the one topic of conversation here in Dry Town was the work of the "stick-up party" manifesting itself in such episodes as the robbery and murder of Bill Varney, stage driver, the theft of Kemble's cattle, the "cleanin'" of Jed Macintosh and, finally, the affair of last night at Poke Drury's. He listened with what seemed frank and only mild interest.

There was a preaching man a Scotchman he was, named Macintosh, or something like that who said that the last end of Man shall be well, and very well: and she says the same: and the agreement of these two makes a Truth. And to that I now say: Amen, Amen.

Hector now ordered trumpets to sound; he was soon joined by the other troops, and at a leisurely pace they rode back to their starting point. Not more than half the guns had as yet been taken up, for MacIntosh had found it necessary to put double teams to them in order to drag them up the steep road.

Visits in England Wycombe Abbey: Lord Carrington, Madame de Stael, and Buonaparte David Ricardo Bowood: Lord Lansdowne, Bowles Miss Joanna Baillie's: Brodie, Dr. Holland, Lord Grenville Anecdotes of Lady Salisbury and Wilberforce Le Bas, Sir James Macintosh, Dumont. Letters from London to Mrs. Edgeworth, Mrs. Ruxton. Life in London Frank Lady Lansdowne, Lady Elizabeth Whitbread, Calcott, Mrs.

You have to have the knack, though. You can get awful hungry otherwise. Come on, kid let's go up a little higher, now. Up to the televector files. Thanks for the help, Hinesy. You're a pal." "Just doin' my job," MacIntosh said. "See you tonight as usual?" "I doubt it," Hawkes replied. "I'm going to take the night off. I have it coming to me."