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The sinking of the Lusitania poured oil on the flames, and the treatment of Belgium and eastern France added to the fury. The isolated mountain positions were only accessible to the bases of operations by these aerial cable cars. Italian statesmen, even if they had so desired, could not have withstood the pressure. It was a crusade for Italia Irredenta, for civilization, for humanity.

And suddenly, though rather shyly, she broke into a popular canzone of the Garibaldian time, describing the day of Villa Gloria; the march of the morning, the wild hopes, the fanfaronade; and in the evening, a girl hiding a wounded lover and weeping both for him and "Italia" undone. The sweet low sounds floated along the river. "Delicious!" said Sorell, holding his oar suspended to listen.

'I cannot count the years, That you will drink, like me, The cup of blood and tears, Ere she to you appears: Italia, Italia shall be free! So the great name was out, and its enemies had heard it. 'You dedicate your lives To her, and you will be The food on which she thrives, Till her great day arrives Italia, Italia shall be free! 'She asks you but for faith!

Preziosi, La Germania a la Conquista dell' Italia, p. 75 ff. Like the vampire that soothes its victim while drawing its life-blood, the parasitic German organism cast a spell over influential Italians of the community and imparted to them a feeling that things were going well with themselves and their country. Money passed from hand to hand. Labour found remunerative employment.

I felt it when I crossed another great square in Paris to look at a certain statue, which I had last seen hung with crape and such garlands as we give the dead; but on whose plain pedestal nothing now is left but the single word "Strasbourg." I felt it when I saw words merely scribbled with a pencil on a wall in a poor street in Brindisi; Italia vittoriosa.

He had many daughters, of whom Mnesiptolema, whom he had by a second marriage, was wife to Archeptolis, her brother by another mother; Italia was married to Panthoides, of the island of Chios; Sybaris to Nicomedes the Athenian.

It forms, with the Trentino, what is called Italia Irredenta. Although the feeling of Italians for unredeemed Italy is not what their feeling was for Lombardy or Venetia, it is a mistake to imagine that they have renounced all aspirations in that direction.

'Tony, she inquired with startling suddenness, 'why do you wear earrings? He reddened slightly. 'Because because der's a girl I like ver' much, signorina; she sink earrings look nice. I wear zem for her. 'Oh! But why do you fasten them on with thread? 'Because I no wear zem always. In Italia, yes; in Amerik', no.

Italy fulfils all these conditions; for, though the first has not yet been perfectly realised as regards Italia Irredenta, the exception is after all a trifling one. Thus the development of the national idea in Italy is almost a model of what such a development should be, and we have dwelt somewhat at length upon it for that very reason.

"O Italia," she continued, "O Italia una, one and indivisible in thy rights, and indivisible also in thy wrongs! to us is it given to see the accomplishment of thy glory. A people shall arise around thine altars greater in the annals of the world than thy Scipios, thy Gracchi, or thy Caesars.