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Sic vita erat: facile omnes perferre ac pati: Cum quibus erat cunque una, his sese dedere, Eorum obsequi studiis: advorsus nemini; Nunquam praeponens se aliis. Ita facillime Sine invidia invenias laudem. TER., Andr., Act i. se. 1.

Nicholas Brady, Tate's colleague in versification of the Psalms. He was Rector of Clapham and Minister of Richmond, where he had the school. No. 169. Thursday, Sept. 13, 1711. Addison 'Sic vita erat: facile omnes perferre ac pati: Cum quibus erat cunque una, his sese dedere, Eorum obsequi studiis: advorsus nemini; Nunquam praeponens se aliis: Ita facillime Sine invidia invenias laudem. Ter. And.

"Tempora certa modosque, et, quod prius ordine verbum est, Posterius facias, praeponens ultima primis Invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae." he will never the more lose himself for that; the very pieces will be fine by themselves.

Sci. vi. 3. 12, he says: 'Non invenias inter humanos affetum tam pusillum, qui si intendatur paullo vehementius, non mortis metum superet. See post, under Dec. 2, 1784. History may be formed from permanent monuments and records; but Lives can only be written from personal knowledge, which is growing every day less, and in a short time is lost for ever.

But how could the President of the United States assert, in the presence of any foreigner, a claim to honorable principle or moral virtue, as attributes belonging to his countrymen, when he is the first to cast the indelible stigma upon them? 'Vale, venalis civitas, mox peritura, si emptorem invenias, was the prophetic curse of Jugurtha upon Rome, in the days of her deep corruption.

Reginald Scot, in the Discoverie of Witchcraft, says that the aforesaid exclamation of Fazio was the Paracelsian charm to drive away spirits that haunt any house. Cardan gives his impressions of musicians: "Unde nostra ætate neminem ferine musicum invenias, qui non omni redundat vitiorum genere.