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It may truly have been a church, for there stands an edifice at Rome, which towers to treble the height of a cruiser's masts." "Having rarely troubled churches, I know not why a church should trouble me," said the mariner of the sash, while he turned his back on the ocean, as if indisposed to regard the waste of water longer.

But for all his efforts at self assurance, when he went home to Aunt Sarah he was not in the most easy frame of mind. The little company under Captain Brown's care was having a delightful time. The weather was so pleasant that there was very little sickness. Chester again escaped and even his father and Lucy were indisposed for a day or two only.

It must be ready. Come into the dining-room." "Will not Miss Driver join us?" "She will go to the housekeeper's room, where she ought to have been sitting, and not in my boudoir." "Mother!" "It's as well to be plain-spoken. Dolly Driver is not of our rank in life. Her parents are miserably poor. Nevertheless," as if the crime hardly deserved such liberal pardon, "I am not indisposed to help them.

The great draw made upon the physical forces makes it necessary the tempter says to use an artificial stimulant, which is here often taken the first time, and which is not unfrequently repeated, until many are so much under its influence and some get so drunk no, become so suddenly indisposed, that they have to be carried home.

She was therefore scarcely surprised when, with a slight change of attitude which brought their faces more closely together, he proceeded, with a piercing intensity not to be withstood: "When you entered my house this morning, did you come directly to my room?" "Yes. Bela told me just how to reach it." "And when you saw me indisposed unable, in fact, to greet you what did you do then?"

Ramsay had been for some time indisposed. The climate of the West Indies, during a residence of twenty years, and the agitation in which his mind had been kept for the last four years of his life, in consequence of the virulent attacks on his word and character by those interested in the continuance of the trade, had contributed to undermine his constitution.

I inquired. "Not very," he answered, "but she has been indisposed for several days." "When does she want me to go?" I inquired, for I had long ago learned that a few inquiries often brought out interesting and valuable information. "At once," he answered; "the cart will be here in a few minutes." By the time I had made ready my medical outfit the cart had arrived.

He had occasion to use his keys and he felt for them in his pocket; they were missing, and he remembered that he had left them lying on the hill-top where he had had his talk with Roderick. He went forth in search of them and found them where he had thrown them. He flung himself down in the same place again; he felt indisposed to walk.

Some friends at Edinburgh had sent word to them that Monmouth might be found not indisposed to treat; and that it would be best for them to stand off for a while, and not on any account be drawn into fighting. But the idea of treating only inflamed the more violent. On the 21st a council was called which began in mutual recrimination and abuse, and ended in a furious quarrel.

Learning of the murder of Levasseur, the invaders at once sailed for Tortuga and landed several hundred men at the spot where the Spaniards had formerly been repulsed. The two assassins, finding the inhabitants indisposed to support them, capitulated to de Fontenay on receiving pardon for their crime and the peaceful possession of their property.