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Philo impugns both these theories, the one because it denies the creative power of God, the other because it confuses the Creator with His creation.

This is asserted or admitted even by those who do not like to hear of the genetic continuity of evolution, nor is there now any school of thought which impugns such a truth.

It is the lawyer's business to create such a doubt if he can, and we must not be too censorious if, in his eagerness to raise this in the minds of the jury, he sometimes oversteps the bounds of propriety, appeals to popular prejudices and emotions, makes illogical deductions from the evidence, and impugns the motives of the prosecution.

I wish to acknowledge my debt to it. Unlike so many guides, it is full of life itself, and makes the city live for us also. Bestia, probably a nickname of Vanni Fucci's; cf. Inferno, xxiv, 125. Inferno, xxiv. 125, 126; xxv. 13, 14. "Cino impugns the verdicts of Dante's Commedia," a sonnet translated by D.G. Rossetti.

Nor can you account for the difference of statement on the ground of difference of vidyas; for you yourself maintain that the meditations in question form part of all meditations. This view the Sutra impugns, 'but where the getting rid of is mentioned, &c.

If the Apostle’s reasons wherewith he impugns the observation of days, hold good against our holidays so well as against the Jewish or popish days, then doth he condemn those, no less these. But the Apostle’s reasons agree to our holidays for, 1. According to that reason, Gal. iv. 3, they bring us under a yoke of bondage.

So that I do this, the manner of it is my own affair, and who presumes to criticize my methods censoriously impugns my honour and affronts me. And who affronts me, monsieur, be he whosoever he may be, renders me satisfaction. I beg that you will bear that circumstance in mind." His moustaches bristled as he spoke, and altogether his air was very fierce and truculent.

The existence of pure or disinterested Benevolence is proved by such facts, as Friendship, Compassion, Parental and Filial affections, Benevolent impulses to mankind generally. In a long note, he impugns the theory of Hobbes that Benevolent affection and its pleasures are merely a form of the love of Power.

And now," pursued the prisoner, after another short pause, "I come to the third charge, that charge which most affects my life, but impugns neither my honour nor my fidelity. That God, before whom I know I shall shortly appear, can attest the sincerity of my statement, and before him do I now solemnly declare what I am about to relate is true.

"This theory," he adds, "in the plain apprehension of the many, lowers the character of the Deity in that attribute, which, as Rousseau has well observed, is the most essential to him, his goodness; or otherwise, impugns his wisdom." Now nothing is more certain than that there is physical and moral evil in the world.