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And as the gloom of night settles on this vast hecatomb on the plateau of Mont Saint Jean the conquerors of Jena and Austerlitz and Friedland make their last stand round the bronze eagle all that is left to them of the glories of the past.

And even as by the mild waters of Parthenius, or after bathing in the river Amnisus, Leto's daughter stands upon her golden chariot and courses over the hills with her swift-footed roes, to greet from afar some richly-steaming hecatomb; and with her come the nymphs in attendance, gathering, some at the spring of Amnisus itself, others by the glens and many-fountained peaks; and round her whine and fawn the beasts cowering as she moves along: thus they sped through the city; and on both sides the people gave way shunning the eyes of the royal maiden.

"Take her, O Chryses," he said; "I am sent by the King Agamemnon, Charg'd to restore her to thee, with a hecatomb fair for Apollo, Vow'd on behalf of the host, if perchance it may work our atonement, Press'd with afflictions severe by the far-shot darts of the Godhead." So did he speak, and deliver'd the daughter belov'd to her father: Glad was the old man's heart to receive her.

The "Liberal Century" after having accumulated an infinity of Gordian knots, sought to cut them in the hecatomb of the World War. Never did any religion impose such a terrible sacrifice. Have the gods of Liberalism slaked their blood-thirst?

Vinicius smiled at him, and said: "She was on the horns of the wild bull; still Christ saved her." "Then honor Him with a hecatomb," replied Petronius, with an accent of impatience, "but do not beg Him to save her a second time. Dost remember how Eolus received Ulysses when he returned to ask a second time for favoring winds? Deities do not like to repeat themselves."

And of Commodus, in like manner, it may be affirmed, that, had he died in the exercise of his peculiar art, with a hecatomb of victims rendering homage to his miraculous skill, by the regularity of the files which they presented, as they lay stretched out dying or dead upon the arena, he would have left a splendid and a characteristic impression of himself upon that nation of spectators who had witnessed his performance.

But of this we will take thought hereafter; for the present, let us draw a ship into the sea, and find a crew for her expressly; let us put a hecatomb on board, and let us send Chryseis also; further, let some chief man among us be in command, either Ajax, or Idomeneus, or yourself, son of Peleus, mighty warrior that you are, that we may offer sacrifice and appease the anger of the god."

What is a hecatomb of cannibals compared to the discovery of the meteor-bird, that is, in the eyes of the general public, or for that matter, the Nonconformist public who turn up their eyes at the suggestion of a massacre of natives of an island that is almost as unknown to them as Ireland itself?

He had seen the gradual upbuilding of the Hojo power on this hecatomb of victims. That he perceived something of his own danger would seem to be a natural inference. Yet if he entertained such apprehensions, he never communicated them to his mother, Masa, who, from her place of high prestige and commanding intellect, could have reshaped the issue.

Huneker says of Liszt and the Comtesse d'Agoult: "Every one knows that he was as so much dough in her hands." So, in a more than different way, we shall find him who had slain his hecatomb of hearts helpless in the power of his one great love. Again he is first compelling, then compelled. February 8, 1819, in Monasterzyka in Kiev, Carolyne von Ivanovska was born.