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Get out!" "Yes, sir." "When you leaving?" "To-morrow night six-fifty-eight." "Sooner the better!" "Yes, sir." Sharon turned back to the car, grumbling incoherent phrases. He affected to busy himself with the mechanism that had just been readjusted, looking at it wisely, thumbing a valve, though with a care to leave things precisely as they were.

He'd sooner talk of you behind your back." "What does he say?" inquired Mr. Stokes, coldly ignoring a frantic headshake on the part of his friend. "Promise me you won't tell him if I tell you," said Mrs. Henshaw. Mr. Stokes promised. "I don't know that I ought to tell you," said Mrs. Henshaw, reluctantly, "but I get so sick and tired of him coming home and grumbling about you."

Thus it was that these two flocks of sheep, the majority, and the minority faced each other affrightedly, and while the leaders on one side and the guides on the other, grave and attentive, asked themselves anxiously what could be the mewing of the grumbling, of the Left on the one side, of the bleatings of the Right on the other, they ran the risk of suddenly feeling the four claws of the coup d'état fastened in their shoulders.

At first Appenzelder listened grumbling, and shaking his head in dissent, but soon the proposal seemed worth heeding; nay, when he heard that the singer, whose talent and skill the quiet, intelligent German praised so highly, owed her training to his countryman, Damian Feys, whom he knew, he began to ask questions with, increasing interest.

"D'you reckon you're here for good, you blamed hibernating deadbeats?" he asked the occupants of the bunks. "Turn out and get busy before I put a move on you!" The men got up, grumbling, and Charnock buttoned his skin-coat and jumped down into the snow. He sank to his knees, but went deeper before he reached the engine, round which a gang of men were at work with shovels.

There was a good deal of grumbling in the House, led by Fontenoy; but the Government could only vow that they had no choice, and that their adversaries could not possibly be more eager to fight than they were to be fought. Life, then, on this public side, though not so keen as it would be presently, was still rich and stirring.

The old man was still grumbling when Dixon came down agin, and said he believed he'd done it a-purpose. "You run away from a good 'ome," he ses, "and the best wife in Wapping, and you come back and frighten people 'arf out o' their lives. I never see such a feller in all my born days." "I was so glad to get 'ome agin I didn't think," ses Dixon. "I hope you're not 'urt."

His father is always grumbling that Ellis is absolutely no good at all at the works, but the moment there's any question of Ellis going away for a holiday even if it's only a week-end then his father turns right round and wants to make out that Ellis is absolutely indispensable. Well, I got over his father. I always do, naturally. And it was settled that Ellis and I should go on the next Saturday.

Well, as he came near the place where the bad giant lived he heard a voice singing. And the song, which was sung in a deep, gruff, grumbling, growling voice, went something like this: "Oh, bing bang, bung! Look out of the way for me. For I'm so mad, I feel so bad, I could eat a hickory tree! Oh, snip, snap, snoop!

"Go downstairs, Nancy, and stop there till I call you up again," she suddenly cried out to her helpmate. And the girl left the room, grumbling to herself; for Nancy at Verner's Pride did not improve in temper. Between two of the shirts, in the very middle of the stack, Mrs. Tynn had come upon a parcel, or letter.