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When pouring liquid onto a Gooch filter hold the stirring-rod at first well down in the crucible, so that the liquid does not fall with any force upon the asbestos, and afterward keep the crucible will filled with the solution. Pour the liquid above the silver chloride slowly onto the filter, leaving the precipitate in the beaker as far as possible.

What became of Miss Lady? The call of the young people down-stairs grew too strong, I presume." Mr. Gooch, in a very bad humor over the loss of the last game, sullenly packed his deck of cards in the case with the red morocco note-book and made ready to take his departure.

I don't see any reason why he shouldn't cheat himself if he wants to. He's all right, even if he is queer, and I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself to talk about him the way you do!" "How do you do, Harriet?" said Mr. Gooch dryly, entering from the outer room and not glancing at Connie. "A message from your father?"

Amongst other officers of that brigade who were most conspicuous for bravery, I would record the names of Montague, the "vigorous Gooch," as he was called, and the well-known Jack Standen. One of the most intimate friends of the Duke of Wellington was the Earl of March, afterwards Duke of Richmond.

Gooch, and earn my everlasting gratitude?" "It is true," said Lawyer Gooch, frowning slightly at the other's last words, but immediately calling up an expression of virtuous benevolence, "that on a number of occasions I have been successful in persuading couples who sought the severing of their matrimonial bonds to think better of their rash intentions and return to their homes reconciled.

"No, no; I know my way as well in the dark as in the daylight," was the reply, and Mr Gooch stepping out, was soon lost to sight. No sooner was the door closed than Dick exclaimed, "Don't give in, father. I'd sooner go to prison, or Botany Bay, or be sent to sea, or be hung, for that matter, rather than that you should yield up your rights and be turned out of this farm."

"Gentlemen to see you, sir," shouted Archibald, invading the room almost at a handspring. Lawyer Gooch arose from his chair. "Mrs. Billings," he said courteously, "allow me to conduct you into the adjoining office apartment for a few minutes. I am expecting a very wealthy old gentleman on business connected with a will. In a very short while I will join you, and continue our consultation."

Betty would seem to indicate a nature impulsive, gay, and free from care; on the other hand, it was to be said of Elisabeth that she was logical beyond her kind a trait which she got from her mother, a daughter of old Judge Henry Gooch, of our Superior Court.

Then came a comb, a brush, a folded map, and a piece of soap. Lastly, a handful of old business letters, addressed every one of them to "Henry K. Jessup, Esq." Lawyer Gooch closed the satchel, and set it upon the table. He hesitated for a moment, and then put on his hat and walked into the office boy's anteroom.

"You let him come. He's one of them men that's like vanilla extract you git too much of him onct, you never want no more!" "And perhaps Mr. Gooch would come." "Well it would go kinder hard with him to pay fer anything he's always got free. But git Miss Hattie to ast him. He'd do it fer her quicker'n anybody." The project, under Myrtella's able generalship, developed immediately. Mr.