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Con queste genti, e con altre con esse, Vid' io Fiorenza in si fatto riposo, Che non avea cagione onde piangesse. Con queste genti vid' io glorioso E giusto il popol suo tanto, che 'l giglio Non era ad asta mai posto a ritroso, Ne per division fatto vermiglio. Paradiso, XVI. 140-154.

"It is he, verily, who hath painted our Blessed Lady for the barca of the Lady Caterina; for Madonna Fiorenza is almost a saint and devote ! She hath the heart of a carit

The great novel was followed by a collection of short stories, Tristan , from which we have selected Tonio Kröger. A tragedy of the Renaissance, Fiorenza , develops the dualism between real life and artistic existence, between the proud joy of living and ascetic hostility to life, in two brothers of the house of Medici, Lorenzo and Girolamo, who are suitors for the hand of one and the same woman.

"Simpatica!" the responsive people cried with glowing faces. "Angiola! Tanto Simpatica!" The Lady Fiorenza standing where she could see the face of her child gave thanks for the vision, with joyful tears. "This hast thou granted her, Madonna mia Beatissima, for a wedding gift!"

"And if the matter hath an interest for your Majesty," he continued, "our great-grandfather on our father's side, was that Marco Cornaro who was Doge of Venice; and the most noble Lady Fiorenza, mother to the child Caterina and wife to my brother Marco, was grand-daughter to Comnene, Emperor of Trebizonde.

Juan de Cardona hastened to the rescue, and of his five hundred soldiers but fifty escaped; on the Fiorenza seventeen men alone remained alive; and other terrible losses were incurred in the furious encounter. Upon this the ingenious Doria perceived that he had outwitted only his own cause, and at last turned back.

There was no quiet anywhere within the palazzo, save deep down in the heart of the Lady Fiorenza, who had never been one with her family in worldly ambitions; and far below the giddy current of the day's happenings ran the ceaseless flow of the mother's wordless prayer, enfolding her child pleading that that which was to come to her should make and keep her noble.

She had pleaded with the Senate that on this day of deep import the barge of Caterina should not be without the benediction of its tutelary saint, since every gondola was wont to have its shrine; and behind them under the canopy, from a mass of roses on an altar of alabaster, rose a noble Madonna by Bellini, painted with exquisite grace the votive picture which later kept within the Chapel of the Lady Fiorenza in the Palazzo Cornaro, the memory of this day.

Let Lorenzo then take one of these works, whichever he may think he can most easily execute; I will take the other, and answer for bringing it to a successful issue, that we may lose no more time. Lorenzo having heard this, was compelled, for the sake of his honor, to accept one or other of these undertakings; and although he did it very unwillingly, he resolved to take the chain work, thinking that he might rely on the counsels of the builders, and remembering also that there was a chain-work of stone in the vaulting of San Giovanni di Fiorenza, from which he might take a part, if not the whole, of the arrangement.

See to it that the robing of Caterina be fit for that other kingdom thou wouldst, perchance, have chosen for her." "If he be noble truly noble," the Lady Fiorenza said with unwonted persistence for something moved her to assert herself, "I ask no more." But the Senator permitted her the questionable honor of unanswered speech, as he turned with a scowl and left her.