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Their voices were soft and pleasing, their eyes had the beseeching quality of a good dog's, their anxious and deprecating faces were ready at the slightest encouragement to break out into the friendliest and most intimate of smiles.

These he had refused, quietly explaining that he could not afford to waste his French brandy, etc., in school-boy cookery, and ending with, "You see the reason, my dear boy?" Whereupon Paterfamilias made answer, in the mildly deprecating tone in which the elder sometimes do answer the younger in these topsy-turvy days: "That's quite a different case.

The words came out between the young man's clenched teeth. Shaw again shrugged deprecating shoulders. Then, with another of his wide, sharp-toothed grins, he rose and faced his visitor. At the desk across the room the big blond secretary rose, also, and fixed his pale blue eyes on his employer. "Now," said Laurie, "tell me what the devil you are driving at, and what all this mystery means."

He drew his lips together tightly, settled himself for a long siege.... "Why, Penton," I began, protestingly and hypocritically, I had planned far other and franker conduct in such an emergency but here I was, deprecating the truth "Why, Penton, God knows "

"How can I help pushing ye when the folk behind push me?" said Coggan, in a deprecating tone, turning his head towards the aforesaid folk as far as he could without turning his body, which was jammed as in a vice. There was a silence; then the drums and trumpets again sent forth their echoing notes.

Stork Brothers, of Hengeloo, have organizations of their own, by which important ameliorations are obtained; but smaller employers hear the labour leaders constantly deprecating such efforts and preaching the blessings of Social Democracy as the true panacea, so they do not see why they should put themselves to any inconvenience or expense for the sake of earning abuse and ingratitude.

We had a case of that kind the other day when Foss, the champion swimmer of South Africa, was rightly convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for deprecating the skill of our generals in conversation with soldiers.

Clare at first employed him occasionally; but, struck with his soundness of mind and good business capacity, he confided in him more and more, till gradually all the marketing and providing for the family were intrusted to him. "No, no, Adolph," he said, one day, as Adolph was deprecating the passing of power out of his hands; "let Tom alone.

"It wasn't as if she had to tell. She was the only one in the city who saw it. No one would have known anything if only she had held her tongue!" "Oh, but," Estrella broke in, in a deprecating voice, "it was an awful thing he did!" "Oh, was it?" Laura retorted scornfully, "Lots of men do the same thing and aren't so very bad; and lots more would do it if they dared.

Screened by the library door, Hannibal commenced in a deprecating way: "I told Mr. Fox you'se engaged, but he say I must give you dis card. He kinder acted as if he own dis niggar and de whole establishment." A sudden heavy frown drew Edith's dark eyebrows together and she said loud enough for Mr.