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Then the train would pass through Cleveland while they slept, on its way to Chicago. "I'll be glad to get a look at Chicago," said Ben Basswood, who had not done much traveling. "We are to take a tour in a rubber-neck wagon," he added. "A rubber-neck wagon!" cried his mother. "Benjamin, what language!" "Well, that is what they usually call the touring automobiles," he answered, with a grin.

They were to take a local train to Buffalo and change at that city for Chicago. Ben Basswood decided to go with them as far as Buffalo, so there would be quite a party. The boys gathered their things together and were ready to start a full day beforehand. The buying of railroad tickets and berths in the Pullmans was left entirely to Dunston Porter.

For two whole days the blue birds stayed around the lawn and garden, but the sparrows made their lives miserable and finally they went to the timber an eighth of a mile away and selected an abiding place in the cavity of a basswood. But every morning and evening, sometimes many times during the day, they came for their meal of berries from the vine.

At the lower end of the island there is no water running over the falls. The Indians stripped the bark from a linden or basswood tree. This bark is very tough and strong. They made a kind of rope ladder of it. They made it so long that it reached to the water below the falls. The upper end of this bark ladder they tied fast to a great tree that grew on the island.

"But if I catch them in any wrongdoing and I can manage it, I am going to have both of them arrested." "I'd not blame you for that." After the meal Dave spent a pleasant evening with Laura and Jessie. The three young folks went out on the porch and there, a little later, Ben Basswood joined them. All talked about the trip to Yellowstone Park, and about the Landslide Mine.

That very day the leaves of the big basswood turned brown, and were dead, but the leaves of the apple trees still shone with a glossy green. The apple tree seemed to like the frost. Robert Robin did not sing at all, he felt as if he had lost something. In the afternoon Mrs. Robin said: "When do we go across the lakes, and over the mountains, and along the river to the great bay?"

She hurriedly took off her shoes and stockings-how delicious the cool, soft velvet of the grass!-and sitting down on the bank under the great basswood, whose roots formed an abrupt bank, she slid her poor blistered, chafed feet into the water, her bare head leaned against the huge tree trunk. And now as she rested, the beauty of the scene came to her. Over her the wind moved the leaves.

Among your stores of honey gathered before midsummer, you may chance upon a card, or mayhap only a square inch or two of comb, in which the liquid is as transparent as water, of a delicious quality, with a slight flavor of mint. This is the product of the linden or basswood, of all the trees in our forest the one most beloved by the bees.

But Jeremiah Yellowbird did not know, so Mister Chipmunk hurried over to see, and when Gabriel Chipmunk saw all the nice cherry pits scattered on the ground under the big basswood, he was very much pleased, for Gabriel Chipmunk and all his folks liked cherry pits. Mister Chipmunk filled his two big pockets with the nice cherry pits, and ran for home as fast as his little legs would carry him.

"I say it is high time for her to have some sort of a weddin'. Everybody is a havin' 'em tin, and silver and wooden, and basswood, and glass, and etc. and I thought it wuz a perfect shame that Lodema shouldn't have none of no kind and I thought I'd lay to, and surprise her with one.