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You wish to see me?" And Chiz barks out in his turn: "No, sir, I don't wish to see you." "You do not wish to see me? Then what are you doing here?" And Chiz cracks out: "I'm here because your orders compel me to be here, sir." Zowie! that straightened the old boy up. He took a look at Chiz, and he says, after a while and almost pleasantly: "Have a chair."

"Yes, he's a hard man to whip," went on Buckbee thoughtfully, "they call him the Iron Man. Any place you hit him you only break your hand; but when he comes back zowie!" "Well, I guess you're right," answered Rimrock slowly, "New York is no place for me. It's back to the cactus where they fight it out with sixshooters and the man that wins grabs the loot.

The minute they were off the harbor Zowie! Blooey! Bam! It was all over but the cheering, and they'd chucked an eight-inch projectile through a ship that was worth four of the gunboat. "Skinner, that's what I call spilling the beans. Why they didn't take their time, recapture that freighter and give her skipper a chance to hustle across to San Francisco or Honolulu and intern, is a mystery to me.

Zowie! how quick they got a move on, every single man but the one lone dickey we found knocked out down below-stairs. Ev'rything movin' along like silk who cares whether school keeps or not, with us boys on the top wave o' success." Then he concluded to stop premature boasting, knowing very well that as in a game of baseball nothing is settled until the last man has been put out.

"Great sacrifice for a woman!" "Big-hearted, lovable fellow!" "You dog! So on, so on!" "Zowie!" He must get all this into the play and yet preserve his "third act situation," leniently admitted to be "quite a fair" one. Slacking his gait somewhat, the tormented young man lifted his hat in order to run his hand viciously through his hair, which he seemed to blame for everything.

He's had himself tailored and barbered until he looks like an English investor come over huntin' six per cent. dividends for a Bank of England surplus. "Zowie!" says I. "Some speed to you, Mr. Rowley. And class? Say, you look like you was about to dump a trunkful of Steel preferred on the market, instead of a few patents." "I'm giving your advice a thorough trial, you see," says he.

But, take it from me, that sharp-faced little wisp could do things to a violin! Zowie! He could just naturally make it sing, with weeps and laughs, and moans and giggles, and groans and cusswords, all strung along a jumpy, jerky little air that sort of played hide and seek with itself. Music? I should quiver!

Just one little pressure of a button and zowie!" Just then Frank caught sight of his friend, Colonel Pavet, coming toward him and went forward to meet the French officer. The colonel's greeting was a very cordial one. "I'm glad to see that you've come safely so far through this fierce fighting," he said. "Fierce is the right word," answered Frank smilingly.

All of them, save Cecil Rountree, who was such a snob that he never wore badges, displayed celluloid buttons the size of dollars and lettered "We zoom for Zenith." The official delegates were magnificent with silver and magenta ribbons. Martin Lumsen's little boy Willy carried a tasseled banner inscribed "Zenith the Zip City Zeal, Zest and Zowie 1,000,000 in 1935."

"G'we!" or "Gowe!" as it is sometimes written, was the war cry of the Lenape and the Mingwe on their joint wars. At least that was the way it sounded to the people who heard it. Along the eastern front of these nations it was softened to "Zowie!" and in that form you can hear the people of eastern New York and Vermont still using it as slang.