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"Then I make fun for your letter of love. Forgive my impolite. Now I the understanding have." Yuki San chose her toilet for the coming visit with due regard for all convention. There must be no touch of purple that being the color soonest to fade made it an evil omen.

A drop of blood rests on your lips." Yuki San drew her hand across her mouth, and lightly answered that maybe a robin had tried to steal a cherry. But to herself she murmured: "My heart bleed for lonely. He never come back."

You stay. I give you all my intellect of Nippon speech. Please!" and she looked up pleadingly. Merrit laughed outright. "That's all right, Yuki San; I am going to stay, and we will begin school in the morning." By this time the mother and father had learned of the guest's arrival and hurried in to bid him welcome.

Kamakurawas well-nigh reduced to ruins, but Shigeuji retired to the fortress of Koga in Shimosa, and his cause against the Uesugi was espoused by the eight families of Chiba, Koyama, Satomi, Satake, Oda, Yuki, Utsunomiya, and Nasu, thenceforth known as the "eight generals" of the Kwanto. Against such a league it was difficult to operate successfully.

As he talked Yuki San gained courage, and ventured many curious glances at the broad-shouldered young fellow, whose figure seemed completely to fill the room. At first she saw only a strange foreigner, but gradually, as she watched his face and listened to his unfamiliar speech, she discovered a long-lost playmate.

Before I finish my speak Merrit San shiver like cold and say, "Come on, Yuki San, let's get out of here and find the sun." Outside I make cherry-wreath while Merrit San tell me story. Him very sweet day now all gone forever. Seventh Entry Last fine kimono is finished and all baggage is tied. Next day I go to other house.

Dick rose, red and confused. Then he climbed into the jinrikisha, trying to ignore the smiles of the man. Yuki Chan, with her hands joined just below her sash, bent her body like a half-shut jack-knife. "Arigato arigato," she said politely, as she bowed again and again. "Him say t'ank you," interpreted the jinrikisha man. "Good-by," called Dick. "Don't forget be good!"

Within the house Yuki Chan, still dressed, lay on the floor, weary with the wonders of the day. Her mother took from a small inclosure beneath a shelf many soft comforts with which she arranged the child's bed. Yuki Chan, talking all the time in a low monotone, tried to unravel a tangle in her mind of birds and cats and dolls.

Or was it and Yuki Chan grew grave that the last go rin had been spent for the new dress she was to wear that day? All her short life Yuki Chan had lived in a house of love, but no veil of affection, no sacrifice, could shield her from the knowledge of poverty.

As in a dream, Yuki San saw the men adjust their hats and tighten their sashes as they took their places in front of the small vehicle. Mechanically she bowed her farewell with the rest of the family, but she did not join their "Sayonara."