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Sun, him so bright he make all leaves to dance with glad. Green lizard take sleep on stone step while big honey-bee sing song. All things have the joyful, and my feets just touch earth with lightsome. I go inside temple and say one very little pray to Amida, for I have the hurry. When I go back, Merrit San he say: "See here, Yuki San, you no waste time over pray.

The elaborate trousseau had caused the little household many a sacrifice, but the joy in the hearts of the old people more than justified them. Presently the clatter of the jinrikisha in the courtyard announced the arrival of the guest. Yuki San heard the long ceremonious greeting of her father.

It was unheard-of conduct, but it was for Yuki Chan, and father and mother stumped along, cheered on by the small girl who was trying to keep time, but was breathless through sheer excess of happiness. There was nothing in the room to impede their progress.

The young American teacher had written in just such a book, and when she asked its meaning, the teacher had said it was her best friend, her confidant, to whom she told her secrets. For a moment Yuki San stood with the book in her hand, then she said impulsively: "Diary! I make diary, too. I speak my thoughts to you. I tole you all my secrets. Maybe my lonely heart will flew away." First Entry

Quick you make the fire to rise in hibachi and give that Merrit San his gohan same thing what that funny 'Merica call breakfast." After the steam had begun to rise from the vessels on several hibachi, Yuki San, flushed by her exertions, rested upon her heels before the door that led into the garden.

On the day of Merrit's expected arrival, when the last flower had been put in the vases, and the last speck of dust flecked from the matting, Yuki San's keen eyes detected a torn place in the paper door which separated the guest-chamber from the narrow hall. A puzzled little frown drew her black brows together, but it soon fled before her smile. "Ah!" she cried, "idea come quickly!

The father and mother always trotted close behind, and Yuki San, vastly pleased with her ability, gaily translated the speeches from one to another. She talked incessantly, laughing over her own mistakes, and growing prettier and more winsome every day. Merrit was glad to fill his leisure time in such pleasant companionship.

"I must the hurry," she said, as she kept up her brisk dusting. "I make the food so quick as that Robin San steal berry for his babies. To-day him one big, big day, but him no glad day. Merrit San go away." She paused in her work, and a look of pain darkened her eyes, but she shook her head reproachfully. "Ah, Yuki San, you make sorry voice and your heart is thinking tears. You naughty girl!

Yuki San's wooden shoes sent a sharp click into the quiet morning air as she quickly crossed the arched bridge and followed the path to the stone image beyond the pool. With a touch as soft as the wings she held, the girl lightly balanced the now thoroughly warmed butterfly on the broad forehead of the Goddess of Mercy.

Never mind, I'll take her home, and some day I'll bring you something. I bet you don't understand a word I'm saying, but I'll be hanged if I know how to make you." Feeling rather helpless, Dick talked on, patting first Yuki Chan and then the cat. The child stood speechless and looked deep into his eyes, not having entirely recovered from the shock of the first blow she had ever received.