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Even when uttering his first sentence, he had noticed that there had come over Flossy's face which was thinner, if quite as pretty and youthful-looking, as when he had last seen it an expression of obstinacy which he had once well known and always dreaded.

The numerous family and the wide connections of the youthful-looking Private Secretary cherished for him the hope of an austere and exalted destiny. Meantime the social sphere he adorned in his hours of idleness chose to pet him under the above nickname. The Assistant Commissioner was surprised and gratified extremely.

The hair was parted almost in the centre, a little to the right, and but for the pebbled shadows about the sunken, yet still bright eyes, he would be called a youthful-looking man. She understood why women would always speak of him as a handsome man. "I am sorry, but I was compelled to force the bolt," he said, slowly, with his enigmatic smile.

His handsome, delicate, and still youthful-looking face, to which his curly, glistening silvery hair gave a still more aristocratic air, lighted up with a smile when he saw Levin. "Capital! I was meaning to send to you. How's Kitty? Sit here, it's more comfortable." He got up and pushed up a rocking chair. "Have you read the last circular in the Journal de St. Petersbourg?

There were three generations of mice in it: a fat old couple, the founders of the race, dozing phlegmatically on their laurels in a corner; then a dozen medium-sized, slender mice, trim and youthful-looking, rushing irrelevantly hither and thither, with funny inquisitive little faces; and then a squirming mass of pink things, like caterpillars, that were really infant mice, newborn.

He fell forward on his face, on the bottom of the rocking sampan. He must have been unconscious for some time, for when he awakened he was dimly aware that he was being carried up the landing-ladder of a steamer. He heard English voices about him. A very youthful-looking ship's surgeon came and bent over him, cut away his trouser-leg, and whistled.

But a strange voice asked, "And who is this?" and looking up as her grandfather pronounced her name, she saw a stranger standing before her very handsome, and very youthful-looking, in spite of a heavy dark beard and mustache who exclaimed hastily, "What! this great girl my child? really it is enough to make a man feel old." Then, taking her hand, he stooped and coldly kissed her lips.

Yes, I'm wanted, and Hullo, Frank, my dear boy, how are you?" he cried, as a youthful-looking young man, who appeared flushed and excited, threw open the door without waiting to be announced, and strode in, to nod to first one and then the other. "Why, there is something the matter!" said the doctor quickly. "You want to see me?" "To see you?

The lovely, youthful-looking, gracious Alexandra, the always affable and amiable Princess Louise, the tall youth who sees the crown and sceptre afar off in his dreams, the slips of girls so like many school misses we left behind us, all these grand personages, not being on exhibition, but off enjoying themselves, just as I was and as other people were, seemed very much like their fellow-mortals.

Jacqueline, lynx-eyed, stood and looked at her noting how flushed she was, how youthful-looking, how unguarded and brimming with emotion. "Madame!" she cried. "I know without a word! It has been a grand success." Maxine laughed, a girlish laugh of self-betrayal. "A grand success! Absolutely a grand success!