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Nick now knew that Venner recognized both Chick and himself, and was serving only the Kilgore gang. Yet Nick bowed without the slightest self-betrayal, and said, gravely: "I will explain the situation to Pandu Singe." For several minutes the two detectives maintained their curious game of talk. Then Nick, who had speedily planned his own counter-move, again turned to Rufus Venner.

"I had not forgotten that I was addressing an authoress," he said. "Indeed, I should not have dared to inflict my troubles on any one not of the craft." Mrs. Fetherel was quivering with the consciousness of her involuntary self-betrayal. "Oh, uncle!" she murmured.

He felt the prick of Isabel's blade, it amused him, automatically he reacted to it, she made him want to fight the Dane first and Jack Bendish afterwards but he retained just too much of the ascendancy of his six and thirty years to gratify her by self-betrayal. "You're a very brave young lady," he said cheerfully, "but if I were Val " He stopped short.

Her self-betrayal, however it came about, was proof that they were more serious with her than with him, and he could not plead to himself even the poor excuse that his fancy had been caught. Amidst the anguish of his self-condemnation the need to conceal what he had done occurred to him. He had been holding Bird's head in his arms, and imploring him, "Henry!

He spoke with a touch of irritation; and fearing self-betrayal, swerved from the main issue. "Would you marry an Indian girl?" "I believe so. If I was keen. I'm not at all sure, though, if it's sound in principle mixing such opposite strains. And in your case hypothetical, I suppose ?" Dyán's grunt confessed nothing and denied nothing.

Nature might explain it in some unguarded moment of self-betrayal, but Nature is jealous of her secrets, they have to be coaxed out of her in the slow course of centuries. And with all the coaxing, the subtle work of her woven threads between the Like and the Unlike remains an unsolved mystery. From California to Sicily is a long way.

The gleam of a candle burning in this closed-up house, or even the tale told by the rising smoke, may have drawn them from the road to investigate. Such coincidences had been. Such untoward happenings had misled people into useless self-betrayal. My case was too desperate for such weakness. Flight at this moment might save all; I would at least attempt it.

"Why, say, old Noah, did you ever see that kid?" at length demanded the reader, with a keen look of suspicion. It was the inimical expression, rather than a definite consciousness of self-betrayal, that sent the old man's drifting mind back to its moorings.

Nor did either Ivan or the officer perceive that this young man was holding Irina, now lying back in her seat, from unconsciousness simply by the power of his eyes, or that he had grasped Burevsky's hand under the cloth and was keeping him from self-betrayal by the pure force of contact.

Meanwhile, with her own ears attuned to catch each varying shade of Dan's beloved voice, she could not but perceive its change of quality, slight, but unmistakable, when he spoke to Magda the sudden deepening of it and the unconscious self-betrayal of his glance as it rested on her.