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"Nell Goodwin, look me square in the eye. How many times did you say ain't at the party this evening?" "Not once; I swear it. I was looking out every minute. 'I am not, I said; 'We are not, I said; 'He doesn't, I said; 'He isn't, I said. There! Between you'n' I, Hat, it's a dreadful nuisance, keeping my mind on the way I talk.

He never overlooks nothin' an' I guess he figgered you'n me might meet up here, seein's it's my special job just now to watch your aunt's cottage." Since Kendrick had seen him last the "Iron Man" had grown a little moustache, a weird affair of reddish bristles which a scar on his lip compelled to lean mostly in one direction with a windswept appearance.

Well, now, little chap, you jist come along quick, an' 'fore ye know it ye'll be gittin' warm in the school room an' I'll show ye 'bout yer sums 'fore the bell rings. My, but it takes you'n me ter make good time over the road!"

Winship told me; "an' they say you'n' Sis had ought to be married f'om their house. Good idee, seems to me, though Sis here don't take to it, somehow." "Oh, I suppose I can endure Aunt Frank," said Helen, making savage dabs at Cadge's typewriter; "if you wish it you and John."

Her trembling hand strayed, seeking support. "Al'ays s'posed you'n' Sis'd be marryin' some day," said Mr. Winship, dubiously watching her, while he stroked his beard; "but seems mos's if ye'd better wait a spell, till Ma's chirked her up some. Han'some place here." His eyes examined the luxurious, disordered room. "These here things ain't yourn, Sis?" "Not all of them."

"Andrew again " "No more foolin', old chap. I know you, though, by gum! you do look a heap like the ingineer from Grandon. Mebbe you'n him's related. But see here, I kin tell you by that, allus." With a quick movement, the tramp sprang forward and pushed up the hat of the hunter, revealing in the roots of the hair a red, ragged scar.

"The Lord's too reasonable to expect more of you'n to do your duty in the place where's He's put you," said the wife gently. "I hope he is, Mother! Ef he looked for more or for any big thing 's fur as that goes, the chances are He'd be disapp'inted.

I didn't mean to tell you till the last minute, but you've got to have time to mate up your mind you'll go to a public dance for oncet in your life. It ain't going to hurt you none. I've went, ever sence I was big enough to reach up and grab holt of my pardner and I'm every bit as virtuous as you be. You're going, and you'n Man are going to head the grand march."

As for Joe the black boy, he knew how to make himself useful in any command, as a servant, and he was resolved to follow Sam's fortunes, wherever they might lead. "You see Mas' Sam," he said, "you'n Mas' Tommy might git yer selves into some sort o' scrape or udder, an' then yer's sho' to need Joe to git you out. Didn't Joe git you out 'n dat ar fix dar in de drifpile more'n a yeah ago?

"But it's a woman you'n spoke well on, Bartle," said Mr. Poyser. "Come now, you canna draw back; you said once as women wouldna ha' been a bad invention if they'd all been like Dinah." "I meant her voice, man I meant her voice, that was all," said Bartle. "I can bear to hear her speak without wanting to put wool in my ears.