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"Now, Doctor," said old Jerry, "I ain't aimin' to keep anythin' back twixt you'n me, but there's certain things, you understan', that I can't it wan't Teeny-bits but further'n that " "All right, Jerry," said the Head. "I respect your point of view. Go on with your story."

"You'n the kid can gopher around there whilst I go step off the lines of a claim an' put up the location notice," he said, and left her standing there with the gold in her palm. That night it was the Little Woman who planned great things for Casey, and it was Casey who smoked and said little about it. But once he shook his head when she described the gilded future she saw for him.

I don't remember seein' the book, I didn't notice it, to know what book it was, but the clean place in the dust couldn't get there no other way. Well, all is, it shows Miss Vick comes an' goes pretty much as she likes or did till you'n me camped out here." "Then you think she left the knife here that night, and has since returned and taken it away?"

"This yere ain't no time fer kiddin', 'n' I'm tellin' yuh straight. What's them fellers acrost the Fryin'-pan think they're tryin' t' do? luck le's you'n me make a few remarks over that way, 'n' leave the boys t' do some gun-talk with these here babies behind us. Dang it, if I knowed of a better place 'n' what this is fer holdin' 'em off, I'd say make a run fer it. But I don't 'n' that's fact.

"He's a smart colt ain't he?" said Sid. "He hasn't been bothered with fox-tail since that day you'n and I took that piece out of his eye. He's kept his eyes away from the stuff, whether he's meant to or not. Do you suppose he has as much sense as that?" "Critters ain't the only things that walk into trouble with their eyes open," said Dave. "I ain't goin' to let Rix be smarter than I be.

Soon's we git the heft o' the fall wuck did up, you'n' me will mek you one o' them fine quilted silk petticoats, lak Betsy's, to w'ar under yer red calaminco dress. Thah now!" and she kissed the girl "say yer prayers, an' go to sleep." Then she murmured as she left the room, "Pore gal! 'Tis hard on her; but I jes' can't spar' her this wintah.

A purty mess her table'd be, fur all its silver spoons an' fine chaney, ef she hed the settin' uv it. Tommy, don't spill thet gravy on the tablechoth. I'll send you'n' Buddy to the kitchen ef you can't eat lak white folks! She puffs herse'f on bein' a Temple, an' claims they wuz uv the bluest blood in Virginny.

In the fust place, except that he's well recommended, I don't know nothin' about him; an' in the second, you'n I are pretty well set in our ways, an' git along all right just as we be. I may want the young feller to stay, an' then agin I may not we'll see. It's a good sight easier to git a fishhook in 'n 'tis to git it out.

"Oh, yo' orful growed up en ain' fin' dat out?" "I 'spicioned it. Well, de ting fer you'n me is ter he'p 'im." "La, now," replied Zany, proposing to give a broad hint at the same time, "I ain' gwine ter he'p no man in sech doin's. De cream neber goes ter de cat." "Yere, tek de plate, Zany, wid my tanks," said Chunk, rising. "Sech cream ez you gits orful sour ef de cat doan fin' it sud'n.

"You'm from the Hall, bain't you?" he asked. "Yes. I'm looking for a friend of mine whom I thought might have walked this way." "A little chap? As waves his hands when he talks? One of them Belgies from the village?" "Yes," I said eagerly. "He has been here, then?" "Oh, ay, he's been here, right enough. More'n once too. Friend of yours, is he? Ah, you gentlemen from the Hall you'n a pretty lot!"