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Then: "There used to be a door between this house and the next," said Kerry succinctly. "My information is exact and given by someone who has often used that door." "Bloody liar," murmured Sin Sin Wa. "What!" shouted Kerry. "What did you say, you yellow-faced mongrel!" He clenched his fists and strode towards the Chinaman. "Sarcee feller catchee pullee leg," explained the unmoved Sin Sin Wa.

Many of the streets are dirty in the extreme, while the shops are dark and dismal, and the shopkeepers far from urbane and accommodating: people these narrow streets, with their signboards and gateways, with an ever-moving crowd of yellow-faced, turn-up nosed, pig-eyed beings in blue and brown and yellow cotton dresses, wide trousers, loose jackets, and thatch-shaped hats, carrying long bamboos with boxes or baskets hanging at each end, or hung over with paper lanterns or birdcages, and all sorts of other articles, and here and there a sedan-chair with some mandarin or lady of rank inside, borne by two stout porters; and we have a fair idea of a Chinese city.

An undersized, yellow-faced man, wearing neither collar nor tie, came to the door as they approached. Although of short stature, he was immensely broad with singularly long arms. Altogether he had something of the figure of a gorilla, Desmond thought on looking at him. The man put a finger up and touched his forelock.

Thus I can recollect that yellow-faced old Guardian standing over me like a ghost in the moonlight, stroking his long beard, his eyes fixed upon my face, as though he would search out the secrets of my soul. "They are the men," he muttered to himself, "without doubt they are the men," then walked to the window and looked up long and earnestly, like one who studies the stars.

The thought never entered my head. But I dropped my fish and whipped round to the doorway in time to catch him as he turned to go, having heard my footstep belike. "'Who the something-or-other are you? I asked. 'And what's your business in my private house? "The man a yellow-faced fellow, but young in figure muttered something in a gibberish new to me, and made as if excusing himself.

It covers the whole room and the back door. George, pass in ahead of me and step just to the left of the slot machine; you've got the front door there and everything behind the screen, and I can get close to Du Sang. Look for a thinnish, yellow-faced man with a brown hat and a brown shirt and pink eyes shooting craps under this window. I'll shoot craps with him. Is your heart pumping, George?

A yellow-faced old gentleman from India, is going to take unto himself a young wife this morning, and six carriages full of company are expected, and Mrs Miff has been informed that the yellow-faced old gentleman could pave the road to church with diamonds and hardly miss them.

From the first it appeared obvious to all that the dementedness which characterised the little wizened yellow-faced woman was of a much more pronounced type than Con the Quare One's. Any attempt to spare people's feelings by ignoring the fact would have been very futile, and it was therefore lucky that the three new-comers, Mad Bell herself included, were quite content to accept the situation.

To the right stood a tall, angular, yellow-faced fellow with a drooping, sandy mustache. Conspicuous on his vest was a huge silver shield. This was Gorsech, one of Sampson's sheriffs. There were four other men whom I knew, several whose faces were familiar, and half a dozen strangers, all dusty horsemen. Steele stood apart from them, a little to one side, so that he faced them all.

Pei-Hang climbed into one of the branches overhanging it, and from there he threw down among the wedding guests diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and all kinds of precious stones. And the yellow-faced mandarin was as busy picking them up as anyone. "Although he is so rich that his drinking-cups are made of gold!" cried the others, indignantly. "One can never have too much of a good thing.