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"Don't like to 'ear about your wicked past, do you?" continued Bill. "Wicked old yellow-faced 'eathen! Remember the 'dive' in 'Frisco, Pidgin? Wot a rough 'ouse! Remember when I come in full up I was: me back teeth well under water an' you tried to Shanghai me?" "You cutee palaber. All damn lie," muttered the Chinaman. "Ho! a lie is it?" roared the other.

"Come, clear the gangway there so we can load! Here are some more of the damned rats we've hunted out of their holes!" The speaker made a half-playful lunge with his bayonet at a gaunt, yellow-faced spectre of a man who staggered on to the boat with a child in his arms wrapped in a tattered blue quilt.

I shouldn't wonder but what it makes a real stir some day when it's printed; it's real good stuff. I wonder if that yellow-faced Belgian doctor will live to give us pratique?" "I never saw a man with such a liver on him." "D'you know," said Kettle, "I'd like that doctor to hang on just for another ten days and sign our bill. He's a surly brute, but I've got to have quite a liking for him.

To these were added a stock of such provisions as it would be difficult to obtain in the interior also ammunition, chests, store-boxes, a small library of natural history books, and a hundredweight of copper money. I engaged, after some trouble, a Mameluco youth to accompany me as servant a short, fat, yellow-faced boy named Luco, whom I had already employed at Para in collecting.

I laughed and was punished in consequence, but the suggestion of the witty Baynes being whispered round the school was effective. From that moment the yellow-faced mysterious foreigner was commonly known as "the Guinea Pig." We did our best to pump him and ascertain whether he had been born in Guinea, but he carefully avoided the subject.

"If this be the slave fetched by Sakr-el-Bahr from England, then rumour has lied to me," she said. "I vow it was scarce worth so long a voyage and the endangering so many valuable Muslim lives to fetch this yellow-faced, long-shanked daughter of perdition into Barbary." Asad's surprise beat down his anger. He was not subtle. "Yellow-faced? Long-shanked?" quoth he.

Davis, a white cambric handkerchief tied to a short stick, and an honest face, this last was the Colonel's, we rode up to the Rebel lines. A ragged, yellow-faced boy, with a carbine in one hand, and another white handkerchief tied to another short stick in the other, came out to meet us. "Can you tell us, my man, where to find Judge Ould, the Exchange Commissioner?" "Yas.

Here sit the yellow-faced, sleepless, hard-eyed croupiers, spinning the fatal ball, and mechanically sweeping in with their rakes the piles of money staked and lost by the infatuated players. These are not limited to those seated at the table and who form but the front row. What a mixture they are!

All this while, amidst the crowd and the scuffle, and a perpetual buzz and chatter, and the flare of the wax-candles, and an intolerable smell of musk what the poor Snobs who write fashionable romances call 'the gleam of gems, the odour of perfumes, the blaze of countless lamps' a scrubby-looking, yellow-faced foreigner, with cleaned gloves, is warbling inaudibly in a corner, to the accompaniment of another.

Before he could fire again the car was round the house and out of sight. But as the car whizzed round the turn an instant before the yellow-faced man fired, the girl heard a sharp cry from Jeekes: "Don't, Victor ...!" The rest of the sentence was lost in the roar of the engine as the car raced away down the drive. They left the avenue in a splutter of wet gravel. The gate still stood open.