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"Right-O! Myke it weepy now! Slow march!" "I want to go 'ome! I want to go 'ome! Jack-Johnsons, coal-boxes, and shrapnel, oh, Lor'! I don't want to go in the trenches no more. Send me across the sea W'ere the Allemand can't shoot me. Oh, my! I don't want to die! I want to go 'ome!" It is one of the most plaintive and yearning of soldiers' songs.

"No, I teach from memory those people who wish to hear me." "What else do you do?" "I roam by the Ganges." At these quiet words, I was overpowered by a yearning for the simplicity of his life. I remembered America, and all the responsibilities that lay on my shoulders. "No, Yogananda," I thought, sadly for a moment, "in this life roaming by the Ganges is not for you."

Robert guessed it all, and whatever remorseful love could do to soften such a strain and burden he tried to do. He encouraged her to find work among the poor; he tried in the tenderest ways to interest her in the great spectacle of London life which was already, in spite of yearning and regret, beginning to fascinate and absorb himself.

The sum and substance of it was that he had become conscious of that multitudinous impulse we call sex, and that from a vague, restless yearning this impulse suddenly had developed into an appetite as imperative as any hunger for food. Finally he went on to the remaining chapters of the book, always with that double sense of knowing it all before and of not quite grasping what he read.

"I should die happily if I might see him." "See him!" uttered Joyce, doubting her own ears. "My lady! See him! Mr. Carlyle!" "What can it signify? I am already as one dead. Should I ask it or wish it, think you, in rude life? The yearning has been upon me for days Joyce; it is keeping death away." "It could not be, my lady," was the decisive answer. "It must not be. It is as a thing impossible."

But that hero had founded a glorious city among the Mysians, and, yearning for his home-return, had passed far over the mainland in search of Argo; and in time he reached the land of the Chalybes, who dwell near the sea; there it was that his fete subdued him. And to him a monument stands under a tall poplar, just facing the sea.

The proposed journey was still the topic of conversation; and she now experienced an unconquerable yearning to relieve her overflowing heart, and acquaint Henri with all the happiness which was stifling her. So, while Juliette and Pauline were wrangling over the number of dresses that ought to be taken, she leaned towards him and gave him the assignation which she had refused but an hour before.

So, without being observed, he took Coppola's glass out of his pocket, and directed it upon the beautiful Olimpia. Oh! then he perceived how her yearning eyes sought him, how every note only reached its full purity in the loving glance which penetrated to and inflamed his heart.

He understood now why the thrill had been so wonderful. He saw clearly why those moments of ecstasy he had often felt in Nature used to torture him with an inexpressible yearning that was rather pain than joy. For they were precisely what he now experienced when the viewless figure of a god passed by him.

This is often, too, the timid expression of a tender feeling, under Puritanic repression, which has not sufficient vent in the sweet-william and hollyhock at the front door. This is a yearning after beauty and ornamentation which has no other means of gratifying itself.