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She thought it a trifle absurd, the more so that, as a matter of fact, the people of Wyndfell Green were not his tenants, for he had only a life interest in the house itself. But Varick was determined to have a good, old-fashioned country Christmas; and he was seconded in his desire not only by Bubbles, but by Helen Brabazon, who entered into everything with an almost childish eagerness.

"Yes, horrible indeed! But why I've come here to-day, Blanche, is to tell you that to-morrow Lionel Varick will be arrested on the charge of murder. I have come to say that you and Bubbles must leave Wyndfell Hall this afternoon." Blanche hardly heard what he was saying.

Miss Bubbles, so much was clear, rather despised the poor lad. She had implied as much in her clever, teasing, funny way, more than once. And the thought of Bubbles unexpectedly brought up another image that of James Tapster. Of the little party gathered together at Wyndfell Hall, Tapster was the one whom the doctor felt he really didn't like.

She vaguely resented the way in which Varick spoke of Bubbles. After all, the girl had come to Wyndfell Hall out of the purest good nature in order to help them through with their party. "Oh, well, I daresay you're right." I've heard from Panton " "You mean your doctor friend?" she said coldly. "Yes, and he hopes to be here sooner than he thought he could be.

But Donnington would have none of it. "Never mind," he said firmly, "you can change your shoes and stockings the minute you come in." Bubbles submitted with an ill grace, and after the whole party were clear of the islet on which stood Wyndfell Hall, she refused pettishly to walk anywhere near him.

Meanwhile, one of the subjects of their discussion was thoroughly enjoying her tour of Wyndfell Hall; and as she entered each of the curious, stately rooms upstairs and down, Helen Brabazon uttered an exclamation of pleasure and rather naïve admiration.

"But why should you think the ghost Pegler saw if she did see it had anything to do with you? Wyndfell Hall has been haunted for over a hundred years so the village people say." "Pegler saw nothing till I came.

I felt as if I must move about to avoid " "To avoid what?" he asked. " Their clutchings." Her voice dropped. "I've been in old houses where I seemed to know everything about every ghost!" she tried to smile. "People don't change when they what we call die. If they're dull and stupid, they remain dull and stupid. But here in Wyndfell Hall, I'm frightened.

Turning the sharp angle which led to the gate giving admittance to the gardens of Wyndfell Hall, she suddenly met Helen Brabazon face to face, and for one wild moment Blanche thought that Helen knew. The girl's usually placid, comely face was disfigured. It was plain that she had been crying bitterly.

He wanted to get into touch with his poorer neighbours not only in a material sense, by distributing gifts of beef and blankets; that he had already arranged to do but in a closer, more human sense. No one she had ever known desired more ardently to be liked than did the new owner of Wyndfell Hall. The programme was carried out to the letter.