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But I shall be talking the matter over with Sir Peter Purbecke, who's just come back to Wricklesmarsh from the Continent, and, provided ahem! you don't go talking about this affair, I should feel justified in recommending him to make you some substantial acknowledgment for any well, little inconvenience you may have been put to on account of your slight connection with the business, and the steps I may have thought proper to take in consequence.

Now in the collection of Sir Peter Purbecke, at Wricklesmarsh Court, Black-heath. "This noble work has been indifferently assigned to various periods; the most general opinion, however, pronounces it to be a copy of an earlier work of Alkamenes, or possibly Kephisodotos.

"I'm not obliged to tell you anything in return for all this," he said; "but I will, and then you'll see the importance of holding your tongue till I give you leave to talk about it." "I shan't talk about it," said Leander. "I don't advise you to. I suppose you've heard of that affair at Wricklesmarsh Court?

"In spite of the usual caution, both prisoners insisted upon volunteering a statement, the exact nature of which has not yet transpired, but which is believed to have reference to another equally mysterious outrage the theft of the famous Venus from the Wricklesmarsh Collection and is understood to divert suspicion into a hitherto unsuspected channel."

"You understand us well enough," said the ex-foreigner, with an awful imprecation on all Leander's salient features; "but you shall have it all in black and white. We're the party that invented and carried out that little job at Wricklesmarsh Court." "Burglars! Do you mean you're burglars?" cried the terrified Leander.

"We in the Criminal Investigation Department have our secret channels and our underground sources for obtaining information, but to lay those channels and sources bare to the public would serve no useful end, nor would it be an expedient act on my part. The Venus, sir, will be restored to her place in the Gallery at Wricklesmarsh Court, without a scratch on her!" "You don't say so!