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That girl Eliza flustered me so much with her worritting and questions before I started that I had not time to fill it." Ralph jumped down and procured the desired refreshment, and was just in time to clamber up to his seat again when the coach started.

"It's that worritting oven, ma'am" turning to nurse; "I assure you we do have a time with it sometimes." The tea began merrily, and just in the middle of it the door opened, and James Seton's sunburnt face looked in. He carried a basket which Bobbie pounced upon eagerly, for he knew it contained the long-expected guinea-pigs.

"Well, I believe there is a cat somewhere below, sir," she replied in an injured tone; "but I'd no idea, I'm sure, that Miss Ruth was worritting after it. To the best of my knowledge she's only seen it once. She's so fond of making believe that it's hard to tell when she is in earnest. I thought it was a kind of a fancy she got in her head when she was ill."

Now if it wer' thee, Peggy, thou'd worrit, and better worrit; as if worritting wer' thy trade, and thou hed to work at it for thy victuals. Martha's none like that. Is ta going to thy class to-night?" "Nay, then, I'm not going." "I'd go if I was thee, Peggy. Thou'lt hev thysen to talk about there, and thou'lt not be tempted to say things about t' Cravens thou wont be able to stand up to."

During this tea-time, while her mother mutely ate bread and margarine, Sally was away in the clouds, dreaming of all that her windfall was to produce. It was to produce beauty, opportunity, happiness. So much for a pound to do! Sally was so impatient to call on Mrs. Perce that she could hardly eat anything or drink her tea. "You are worritting and fidgetting, Sally," cried Mrs. Minto, peevishly.

They had been talking about him those two grown-up people. He knew the kind of things they had said: "It's very tiresome of him to be out so late, Mrs. Withers," and, "Boys is worritting, outrageous critters, M'am," and the cruel impossibility of reaching their far-off impervious understanding lamed him before the door had opened. Mrs.

"Nobble, boy?" "Lame 'em, mam, put 'em out o' the running." "The wretches!" "Yes'm. Ye see us sportsmen 'ave our worritting times, we do." "But where is Mr. Beverley?" "Why, I ain't looked, mam, I ain't, but they're down by the brook behind them bushes, they are." "Oh, are they!" said the Duchess, "Hum!" "No mam, 'e's a-coming, and so's she."

And to think if I had gone home I wouldn't have met you dear dear but the ordering of things is wonderful!" "And didn't you come to look for us, then? But why is Toby with you?" asked the children. "He was worritting your dear Grandmamma. There was no peace with him after you were lost.

The last words broke off in a sob. Mr. Lorimer lifted her gently on to his knee. "Where is this cat?" he said, turning to Nurse with such a frown that Ruth thought he must be angry. "Why hasn't Miss Ruth had it before if she wanted it?" "Well, I believe there is a cat somewhere below, sir," she replied in an injured tone; "but I'd no idea, I'm sure, that Miss Ruth was worritting after it.

Granny Pyetangle was sometimes rather cross in those days, and would scold poor 'Zekiel for "clumping in his boots" and "worritting" but 'Zekiel was very patient. "Sick people is wearing at times," said Dame Fossie. "Come you down to me sometimes, 'Zekiel, and I'll let you play with my chaney dog.