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"Haven't any little son my mistake!" Then he turned the open gig-lamp on me and began again. "S'prised at you, John; little son is the most won'erful thing any father and mother could possess with the possible 'ception of a li'l daughter ain't that so, Mrs. John? Little brother is all right, but don't compare with little son. Look at me, Mrs.

'tis true-ly won'erful. An' what a power o' dirt! It come over me now looking at these lights, that I've never rightly seen my own mill before. She needs a lot bein' done to her." "Ah! I suppose one must make oneself moderately agreeable to the baser sort. They have their uses. This thing controls the dairy." The Cat, pincing on her toes, came forward and rubbed her head against the Miller's knee.

I mind somebody telling me that the only man that could forge that steel had been carried off to another country, so that no more of it could be made. They have a won'erful knowledge of metal-work, those infidels." "Belike Satan taught 'em," grunted Wat of the Weald. "I don't hold wi' such trickery myself." Adam straightened his back and shook his white head.

Sheltered under the lee of the island, the party were protected from its effects, although the light canoe rose and fell on the heavy swell. The ice had wholly disappeared from the lake, the pieces having been ground to atoms against each other in the storm. Along the line of shore there was a great bank of ice as high as the tree-tops. "The ways of the Lord are won'erful," Duncan Cameron said.

In dat fashion I soon get de ole ones in good trainin', and den I has no more trouble with dem as comes fresh aboard; for de ole hog tell de young one, and 'em won'erful cunnin', and know how to take care of 'emself." Rose Budd's sweet eyes were full of fun and expectation, and she could no more repress her laugh than youth and spirits can always be discreet.

I'm the fellah that tole one day The tale of the won'erful one-hoss-shay. Wan' to hear another? Say. Funny, wasn'it?

Dat's how come Ah have pie foh de boy. Boys dey need pie to make 'em grow. It's won'erful foh de indignation, pie is."

Miss Patty is werry han'some, and grows han'somer and han'somer ebbery time I sees her yah, yah, yah!" The laugh of that old negro sounded startling and unnatural, yet there was something of the joyous in it, after all, like every negro's laugh. "Yah, yah, yah! Yes, Miss Patty won'erful han'some, and werry like Miss Dus.

John; perf'ly bew'ful, with won'erful gray hair and golden eyes, perf'ly bew'ful girl. I told your husban' all about her I made confession that I was madly in love with this bew'ful girl, and your husban' told me to go and propose to her and drag her off to a minister and I did propose my mistake.

How do you expect me to sleep with a thing like that pushed up in the small o' my back. Git out!" As he said 'Git out, he threw the leaf from him, lay down again on his woodland couch, and in two minutes was really and peacefully asleep. "He is shorely won'erful," said Long Jim admiringly. "Think I'll try that myself."