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Woddie may understand storekeeping, but he knows nothing of farming, scientific or otherwise. I spent several thousands of dollars in experimenting, but the money was not lost. We shall soon have grand results. I shall astonish the whole of New, York, State at the next meeting of our agricultural society," and Mr. Randolph Rover waved his hand grandiloquently.

The farmer scratched his head in perplexity. "Hang me if I jess know, Dick," he said slowly. "If we try to pull him straight to shore the current will carry him over the rocks in spite of the line." "How long do you suppose the line is?" "It is fifty yards, and all good and strong, for I bought it of Woddie only last week." "Fifty yards that is a hundred and fifty feet.

"What then behoveth so bestad to done." In this distresse, when thei ware now ready to lye them downe, and die for thirst, Moyses espienge a great heard of wilde Chamelles comming fro their fiedinge, and going into woddie place ther beside, folowed them. And iudginge the place not to be without watre, for that he sawe it fresshe and grene, digged and founde plenty of watre.

In the first case, mindyng to avoide suche perill, it is necessarie to sende afore double warde, whome may discover the countrey, and so muche the more dilligence ought to be used, the more that the countrey is apte for ambusshes, as be the woddie or hilly countries, for that alwaies thei be layd either in a wodde, or behind a hille: and as the ambusshe not forseene, doeth ruin thee, so forseyng the same, it cannot hurte thee.

Then the fained assaultes availyng moche, whilest the faight continueth, it is conveniente, that the very assaultes in deede, dooe helpe moche: inespecially if at unwares in the middest of the faight, the enemie might bee assaulted behinde, or on the side: the whiche hardely maie be doen, if the countrie helpe thee not: for that when it is open, parte of thy men cannot bee hid, as is mete to bee doen in like enterprises: but in woddie or hille places, and for this apt for ambusshes parte of thy men maie be well hidden, to be able in a sodain, and contrary to thenemies opinion to assaut him, whiche thyng alwaies shall be occasion to give thee the victorie.

"Besides, I heard you say that the farm ran behind last year." "Tut, tut, boy! You know nothing about it. I made a slight miscalculation in crops, that was all. But this year we shall do better." "You lost money year before last, too," commented Sam. "Who told you that?" "Mr. Woddie, the storekeeper at the Corners." "Mr.