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"That was awfully decent of you, Madge, to square things with Mrs. Gorman like that. I appreciate it, I assure you." "It was nothing," I said dispiritedly. I felt suddenly tired and old. "But I wish you would do something for me, Dicky." "Name it, and it is yours," Dicky spoke grandiloquently. "Take me home. We can see the harbor another time. I really feel too tired to do any more today."

People in Leadville soon discovered that Spencer was a bright man, "yes, sir, a citizen of whom the chief mining city of the Rocky Mountains has every reason to be proud," and the railway magnate who had nearly ruined him by years of hostility buried the past grandiloquently with a mot. "Charles K. Spencer can't be sidetracked," he said. "That K isn't in his name by accident.

On the other hand, that which now grandiloquently assumes the title of 'German culture' is a sort of cosmopolitan aggregate, which bears the same relation to the German spirit as Journalism does to Schiller or Meyerbeer to Beethoven: here the strongest influence at work is the fundamentally and thoroughly un-German civilisation of France, which is aped neither with talent nor with taste, and the imitation of which gives the society, the press, the art, and the literary style of Germany their pharisaical character.

After all, I've got a wide audience with you people, and I don't quite wish to lose it." That irritated me more than ever his stupid patronage, his abominable self-assurance. I remember paying the check very grandiloquently, and leaving him alone as he was so fond of being, at one time in the center of the room. When we met thereafter of course we were exceedingly chilly to each other.

When Dee grandiloquently introduced himself, in a Latin oration, as a messenger from the unseen world, the emperor curtly checked him with the remark that he did not understand Latin. And the next day a hint was given him that, at the request of the papal nuncio, he and Kelley were to be arrested and sent to Rome for trial as necromancers.

When he came near me I straightened up just as though I had seen him for the first time. When he lifted his hat to me I lifted my hat as grandiloquently as he. "How are you, neighbour?" I asked. He paused for a single instant and gave me a smile; then he replaced his hat as though he had far more important business to attend to, and went on up the road.

The arc lamps gleam through the monotonous downpour. One can only stand and dream ... how charming people are since they are alive ... how charming the rain is and the night.... And how foolish arguments are ... how banal are these cerebral monsters who pose as iconoclasts and devote themselves grandiloquently and inanely to disturbing the paper masks....

This is our new pupil, Lady Darcy, for whom you were asking. You have heard of her " "From Robert. Oh yes, frequently! I was especially anxious to see Robert's little friend. How do you do, dear? Let me see! What is your funny little name? Molly Dolly something like that, I think I forget for the moment?" "Mariquita Saville!" quoth Peggy grandiloquently.

Early grandiloquently, "you can command me, though you may imagine that it is very offensive to me to be mixed up in this kind of affair." "Well, rather," said the officer dryly. Then, seeing the flush rising on Mr. Early's face, he went on with the patronage of the majesty of the law: "You needn't fear that you'll suffer any personal inconvenience.

"It seems to me you ought to follow him up, and see if you can't convict him of the theft." "You may be sure, Jane, that the president and directors of the Groveton Bank will do their duty in this matter," said Mr. Duncan rather grandiloquently. "By the way, I have received this morning a letter from Mr. Armstrong, the owner of the stolen bonds, saying that he will be at home in a few days."