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You were running away, and you know it. I guessed you would. I came to stop you, you, you quaking runaway. Your wound troubled you, hey? Didn't want another, hey?" There was an awful pause, broken by the entry from behind the Major of the outside porter, panting under the weight of a large portmanteau. "You had to take your portmanteau, too," observed Puffin witheringly, "in order to stop me.

'Yes, yes, you want a commanding officer, and that I have seen, and that has caused me to meditate on your proposal, she interrupted him; while he, studying her countenance hard, with the painful aspect of a youth who lashes a donkey memory in an examination by word of mouth, attempted to marshal her signs of younger years against her awful confession of the extremely ancient, the witheringly ancient.

You make it honestly, of course, but that a person of your intelligence, when you saw those gates, failed to put two and two together, well! the Squire shook his head, and shrugged his shoulders, became, in fact, one protesting gesture 'if you ask me to believe it, he continued, witheringly, 'I suppose I must, but 'Mr.

'Is he open again? gasped the Parnass, hurled from his judicial calm. 'Is my eye open? witheringly retorted Barzinsky. 'A fat lot of good your preacher does. 'It was you who would elect him instead of Rochinsky, the Parnass reminded him. Barzinsky was taken aback. 'Well, we don't want foreigners, do we? he murmured.

Call yourself an engineer?" he continued, witheringly. "As an engineer you're a howling success at shoemakin', you slob. I'll fix your clock for you, my hearty. I'll have your ticket took away from you, an' that's no Chinaman's dream, nuther." "It's all my fault runnin' by dead reckonin'," the honest Gibney protested. "Mac ain't to fault.

"Robin Fordyce," says the old lady severely, "what garred ye loose Heatherbell in among the neeps. "I'm sorry, mother. But I met Jean M'Taggart in the road, and we stopped for a bit crack." The old lady surveys her son witheringly over her glasses. "Dandering wi' Jean M'Taggart at your time of life! I'll sort Jean M'Taggart when I see her. It's jist like her tae try and draw a lad from his duty.

"Trust a darned outfit like that to hold you up," he cried witheringly. "They got to act fresh, or the company 'ud get wise they ain't no sort o' use on the line. Say " But he broke off listening. The jolting had ceased. The grinding of wheels of the moving train was plainly heard. But the caboose remained stationary. He leaped to his feet. "Hell!" he cried. "What the "

The air seemed filled with it. Coming from no definite direction, it yet impregnated the atmosphere. The air, too, began noticeably to thicken, until the sun, from a pallid disc a mere ghost of its former blazing self was blotted out altogether. A hot wind sprang up and swept witheringly about the travelers. "Ouch!" exclaimed Ralph Stetson suddenly. "Something stung me!"

Whose horse is that out 'n the corral?" The girl looked at him witheringly. "I don't know as it's any of your pertic'lar business, but I don't mind tellin' you that horse b'longs to a gentleman!" "A gentleman," sneered Parker. "Yes, a gentleman; if you don't know what that is you'd better look in the dictionary. You won't find out by lookin' in the lookin'-glass, I can tell you that."

Two things I don't guess Anthony Smallbones has ever heerd tell of outside a dime fiction. No, sir, I guess you got a foul, psalm-singin' tongue, but you ain't got no grit. Say," he added witheringly, "I'd hate to see such a miser'ble spectacle as you goin' to a man's death. I'd git sick feelin' sore I belonged to the human race. Nope, you couldn't never be a man. Say, you ain't even a louse."