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'Have ye not lost him? sez Vulmea, wipin' the sweat on him; 'Let's ha' done quick! 'Quick ut is, sez Kiss t'rowin' him the kyard; an' ut fell face up on his knee Black Jack! "Thin they all cackled wid laughin'. 'Duty thrippence, sez wan av thim, 'an' damned cheap at that price! But I cud see they all dhrew a little away from Vulmea an' lef' him sittin' playin' wid the kyard.

"I did it, though my hand was shaking a lot, and the chap takes the glass and raises it polite, and looks at the colour of it. I thought he was goin' to drink, and starts wipin' the sweat off'n my forehead. "But this chap, he sets down the glass and smiles over to Sandy.

I see her look down on the floor, then she kind o' gathered her skirts aroun' her an' got wipin' wi' her han'k'chief. Then she looks aroun' at me, an', me feelin' friendly, I kind o' smiled at her, not knowin' she wus riled.

They gives me a wipin' for it, but there, they can't 'arf do it. And they says if I want my shillin' I can go and get it from that cantin' son of a thief meanin' you, governor what kep' me. Bless you, they did jaw, them two, but I give that 'Orksbury a topper, which I owed 'im one afore." This spirited address on the part of our young friend I need hardly say interested us all deeply.

"Go ahead, and don't mind 'em," shouted the others. "They're only Second Lieutenants any way. Tell us what you see." "I see way by Richmond, old Unconditional Surrender Grant's got Bob Lee by the throat, and's just wipin' up the State of Virginny with him. Lee's eyes is bulging out like gooseberries on a limb, and his tongue's hanging down like a dog's on a hot day "

It's better to do that than to be licked. Don't you think so?" "Sure thing!" replied his friend, with sarcasm. "If I was you I'd be toted in on a bed so they can see you're all ready for the funeral. Might have the doctor walkin' ahead, wipin' his eyes, and the joyful undertaker trottin' along astern. What's the particular disease that's got you by the collar just now facial paralysis?" "No.

'Betty, said Robin, wipin' his face wi' his sleeve, 'it's bin dry weather latly. So th' owd lass took th' hint, an' fetched 'em a quart o' ale. While they stood i'th middle o'th floor suppin' their ale, Betty took th' candle an' went a-lookin' at this organ; and hoo couldn't tell whatever to make on it.... Did'n yo ever see a weshin'-machine, Nanny?" "Never i' my life," said Nanny.

Bimeby he cum to, and says he, 'Where did you get that? I told him all about it, and then, layin' his head on the table, he groaned orfully, wipin' off the thumpinest great drops of sweat and kissin' the picter as if he was crazy. "'Mebby you knew Helleny Nichols? says I. "'Knew her, yes, says he, jumpin' up and walkin' the room as fast.

Seven thousand men, with seven thousand rifles, belts, and bayonets, in a violently agitated condition, and not a ungenteel blow struck from first to last. The old gentleman drew our attention to it as well. It was quite noticeable. 'Lack of ammunition was the primerry cause of the battle ceasin'. A Brigade-Major came in, wipin' his nose on both cuffs, and sayin' he 'ad 'ad snuff.

Think o' him sleepin' on the table the table as we eat our victuals on!" "No no. Don't try to wake him up first!" cried Phoebe. "Let's have breakfast we can have it in the kitchen an' then you can douse him afterward. Just think of the wipin' an' cleanin' we'll have to do after it. We'll be starved if we wait breakfast for all that ruction!" Rebecca reflected a moment.