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"The Earl of Glenallan, cummer! ou, he winna see ony o' the gentles o' the country, and what likelihood is there that he wad see the like o' an auld gaberlunzie?"

"'I was moved, said the speaker, 'at the sight; and going up to the boy, commended him for his kindness. In his Lancashire brogue the lad replied, "Aye, aye, sir; two feet in the cold slush are not so bad as four." After a while, said the speaker, 'I offered to carry the little chap myself" but the honest fellow shook his head, and said, "Nay, nay, Mister; I winna part with him.

They rose, and set out again, but when they reached the bridge, the dispirited youth again broke down; and, leaning his back against the parapet, said, "I winna gang a bit further; let's get back to London."

I laid my account wi' sufferin grief as heavy as mortal ever suffered; and in this house, in this bed, on these hills, in the kirk, and at our cattle trysts, I hae struggled wi' my sorrow. But, sir," leaning his head towards me, and speaking low, "it winna a' do."

Kirsty relaxed her hold. 'What are you gaein to du wi' me? sobbed Phemy. 'I'm takin ye to the best place I ken hame to my mother, answered Kirsty, striding on for home-heaven as straight as she could go. 'I winna gang! cried Phemy, whose Scotch had returned with her tears. 'Ye are gaein, returned Kirsty dryly; at least I'm takin ye, and that's neist best. 'What for?

"Or," he went on, finding she did not move, "if you have done anything, Dawtie, that you ought not to have done, confess it to God. It is to Him you must confess, not to a poor mortal like me! For my part, if it lies to me, I forgive you, and there is an end! Go to your bed, Dawtie." "Please, sir, I canna. Gien ye winna hear til me, I'll sit doon at the door o' this room, and sit till "

Now, sir, if you can find caution judicio sisti, that is, that ye winna flee the country, but appear and relieve your caution when ca'd for in our legal courts, ye may be set at liberty this very morning." "Mr. Jarvie," said Owen, "if any friend would become surety for me to that effect, my liberty might be usefully employed, doubtless, both for the house and all connected with it."

Ye winna meet with Robin Oig again, either at tryste or fair." So saying, he shook hastily the hand of his acquaintance, and set out in the direction from which he had advanced, with the spirit of his former pace. "There is something wrang with the lad," muttered the Morrison to himself; "but we will maybe see better into it the morn's morning."

An' it was a man like you 'at sae near lost yer life for the hizzy!" she exclaimed. "I maunna think aboot it, or I winna sleep a wink. Weel, my man, ye may haud up yer heid afore the father o' ye, for ye're the first o' the race, I'm thinkin', 'at ever was near han' deein' for anither. But mak ye a speedy en' till 't noo, laad, an' fa' to the lave o' yer wark. There's a terrible heap to be dune.

'But maybe my day'll come, an' if it does, I winna forget, she said, more to herself than to her companion; then, catching sight of Teen's astonished face, she broke into a laugh, and said, in quite a different tone, 'Weel, is't the morn we're gaun among the swells? An' hoo d'ye pit in the time in the country? 'Ye'll see, replied Teen, with quiet satisfaction.