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Some laughed as Madge spoke; but her words sank deep into the hearts of others; and a few answered "Ye are as daft as ever, Madge; but a haveral woman's tongue is nae scandal, and ye ken that the governor winna tak cognizance o' ye."

There was a very bonny-painted cloth alang the chimley what they call a mantelpiece border, I warrant." "Sal, I've often wondered what they was." "Well, I assure ye they winna be ill to mak, for the border was juist nailed upon a board laid on the chimley. There's naething to hender's makin' ane for the room." "Ay, we could sew something on the border instead o' paintin't.

"I mak nae doobt o' 't, mem: h'aven forbid!" cried Donal; "but ye see dreams is sic senseless things 'at they winna be helpit; an' that was hoo I dreemt it." "Well, well, Donal!" broke in the harsh pompous voice of Mr. Sclater, who, unknown to the poet, had been standing behind him almost the whole time, "you have given the ladies quite enough of your romancing.

"Eh! what what's that you say, sister? did the girl go out in a night like this to the Halket-head? Good God! the misery of the night is not ended yet!" "But ye winna wait, Monkbarns ye are so imperative and impatient" "Tittle-tattle, woman," said the impatient and agitated Antiquary, "where is my dear Mary?" "Just where ye suld be yoursell, Monkbarns up-stairs, and in her warm bed."

'Come hame wi' me and tak my pairt, and I'll promise ye to du my best. 'Ye maun tak yer ain pairt; and ye maun tak her pairt tu against hersel. 'It's no to be thoucht o', Kirsty! 'Ye winna? 'I canna my lane. I winna try 't. It wud be waur nor useless. Kirsty rose, turning her face homeward. Gordon sprang to his feet. She was already three yards from him. 'Kirsty!

"'Woman! exclaimed I, 'flesh and blood cannot stand your tongue! Ye would exasperate the patience o' Job! What is it that ye wish to be after? what would ye have me to do? "'Oh, it is o' nae use getting into a passion about it, said she, 'for that winna mend the matter.

But, sir, I consider it would be altogether unjustifiable to deprive ane o' life, which is always precious, merely because my maister is stubborn, and winna marry your daughter.

Wringing her hands and ruefully shaking her head, Mary walked first to one end and then to the other of the long room. Finally she broke out in healthy Yorkshire dialect: "Wheere, oh, wheere can that lad John be? I'm crazed wi' all this trouble; nivver did I see the missus so worked up before, and she winna change her mind, no matter what is said.

Ye're welcome, doctor, to my twa airms for what ye hae dune for Robert an' that lang-leggit frien' o' his the Lord forgie me Mr. Ericson. But ye maun jist pay him what I canna mak for a day or twa, till 't jines again to haud them gaein', ye ken. It winna be muckle to you, doctor, added Shargar, beseechingly. 'Trust me for that, Moray, returned Dr. Anderson.

"Ye said naething," answered the poor creature, humbly, and walked on, hanging her head, and pressing her baby to her bosom. The boys looked at each other. "That wasna the gait yer shillin' sud hae gane, Gibbie," said Donal. "It's clear it winna dee to gie shillin's to sic like as her.