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"Ah well there's not much, I suppose. Is there?" Mr. Windle looked casually into the chalice. "Oh, there is a good deal. What are you going to do?" "I shall have to call upon you for your assistance." "Mine?" "Yes; I couldn't drink all this myself. I'm not accustomed to taking wine. As much as this would I am afraid go to my head." His face was now twitching convulsively.

She has nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Her health is fair, but her eyesight is poor. It is her delight to entertain visitors and is conversant upon matters pertaining to slavery and reconstruction days. Irene Coates, 2015 Windle Street, Jacksonville, Florida Martin D. Richardson, Field Worker Grandin, Florida

Windle, an ardent church-goer, a staunch, if somewhat narrow-visioned Christian, and a man rigid in his adherence to the cause of total abstinence. Before morning service on this Easter Sunday, he met the Rev. Samuel Bishop in the vestry. The organist had already gone to his seat behind the chancel.

He has preached the gospel in his humble way for a number of years, thereby gaining the name of "Father" Coates. Personal interview with Charles Coates 2015 Windle Street, Jacksonville, Florida Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 16, 1936 Immediately after slavery in the United States, the southern white people found themselves without servants.

You will send two good men, they will be taken charge of by Treasurer Higgins of this lodge, whose address you know. He will show them when to act and where. Yours in freedom, "Windle has never refused us when we have had occasion to ask for the loan of a man or two, and it is not for us to refuse him." McGinty paused and looked round the room with his dull, malevolent eyes.

In 1871, when I had a long seat of work before me, I sent for McCurtin's Dictionary to Melbourne. It is old and wanting in the introductory part, but for all was splendid and I loved it as my life." VIII, 307, 465; 3rd series, vol. By SIR BERTRAM C.A. WINDLE, Sc.D., M.D., President, University College, Cork.

Young and Windle have been working like moles for the past ten days " "For Carter?" interrupted Lorne: "Carter, of course." They nodded. Carter stood the admitted fact. "I'm sorry it's Carter," said Lorne thoughtfully. "However " And he dropped, staring before him, into silence. The others eyed him from serious, underhung faces.

Sir Bertram Windle, President of University College, was another of Government's choices a man of science who was also very much a man of affairs. Another, far less of a debater, far more of a power, was Mr.

A certain number of millowners Mr Milburn mentioned Young and Windle belonged to the Liberals, as if to illustrate the fact that you inherit your party in Canada as you inherit your "denomination," or your nose; it accompanies you, simply, to the grave.

Nothing could have been more serious in public than his line of defence against the danger that menaced, but in friendly ears Mr Winter derided it as a practical possibility, like the Liberals, Young and Windle. "It seems to me," he said, talking to Octavius Milburn, "that the important thing at present is the party attitude to the disposition of Crown lands and to Government-made railways.