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"I'm afraid it's too late," he said humbly. The two men looked at him with growing suspicion, then his lordship said in austere tones, "So I should imagine, Mr. Bishop." He turned to his companion. "Shall we get back to dinner, Mr. Windle?" They moved to the vestry door. "Mr. Bishop," he said, turning round as they departed, "I would advise you to go back quietly to the vicarage."

He had some followers, but there were also some, like Young, of the Plough Works, and Windle, who made bicycles, who announced that there was no need to change their politics to defeat a measure that had no existence, and never would have. What sickened them, they declared, was to see young Murchison allowed to give it so much prominence as Liberal doctrine.

"There's a great change on Lord Meikleham," said Malcolm. "There is that," said Wallis. "I consider him much improved. But you see he's succeeded; he's the earl now, and Lord Liftore and a menseful, broad shouldered man to the boot of the bargain. He used to be such a windle straw!"

"The first business on the agenda paper," said McGinty, "is to read the following letter from Division Master Windle of Merton County Lodge 249. He says: "DEAR SIR: "There is a job to be done on Andrew Rae of Rae & Sturmash, coal owners near this place. You will remember that your lodge owes us a return, having had the service of two brethren in the matter of the patrolman last fall.

Windle repeated conclusively "I'm very sorry. I'm afraid, too, that the sacristan has gone. But I think the organ blower was there when I came in; I fancy I heard him." "Ah, yes; but he was not at Communion." "Of course not then I'm sorry. I shall be sure to see some one who was, and I'll send them along. We shall see you up at the house soon.

"If your father really feels that he's got to have the rest and the change he spoke of, and wants us to be married first, why, then " "But there's nothing to prevent you having a rest and a change now, father," said Lettie. "Why not? I don't like my arrangements to be altered I had planned everything out so carefully. When we did fix on next spring, Windle, I had only just time as it was!"

I'm a total abstainer, you see. Even er at the altar I I only permit the wine to touch my tongue, as I hold every communicant should do. But you want me actually to drink this. As much liquid as, I assure you, I should take with a meal. Again, I have taken the pledge " "But, my dear Mr. Windle, in such an exceptional circumstance as this " "I have openly taken the pledge," Mr.

"This has to be be finished," said the distraught clergyman. "Ah, I'm sorry about that," replied Mr. Windle, easily. "Under ordinary circumstances, there would have been as many as I said; but I understand that a lot of people attended early Communion at the bishop's service in Maidstone. You see, it is not often that he comes, and they like to have his lordship." "But this is consecrated wine."

The event of the late afternoon had completely driven it out of his recollection that Windle Bent had an old school-friend, a young barrister from London, staying with him, and that both had been asked to supper that evening at Cotherstone's house. But Cotherstone's annoyance was not because of his own forgetfulness, but because his present abstraction made him dislike the notion of company.

Liberals like Young and Windle may talk big, but when it comes to the ballot-box you'll have the whole manufacturing interest of the place behind you, and nobody the wiser. It's a great thing to carry the standard on an issue above and beyond party politics it's a purer air, my boy." Walter Winter's nod confirmed the sagacity of this, and appreciated the highmindedness.