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"Because it ain't much pertection ag'in windictiveness in the shape of a bludgeon, shall ve say, and as for a brick v'y, Lord! And theer's an uncommon lot of windictiveness about to-night; it's a-vaiting for you as you might say round the corner." "Really, Mr. Shrig, I'm afraid I don't understand you."

"Windictiveness, sir windictiveness in every shape an' form, but brick-ends mostly vith a occasional chimbley-pot." "I'm afraid I don't understand," Barnabas began. "Veil then," explained Mr.

I have been,’ added Ikey, ‘in the purfession these fifteen year, and I never met vith such windictiveness afore!’ ‘Poor creeturs!’ exclaimed the coal-dealer’s wife once more: again resorting to the same excellent prescription for nipping a sigh in the bud. ‘Ah! when they’ve seen as much trouble as I and my old man here have, they’ll be as comfortable under it as we are.’

Aha!" exclaimed Mr. Shrig, still busied on his researches. "He's got summat in this 'ere 'ind pocket as I can't come at p'raps you'll obleege me by heavin' Windictiveness over a bit, sir? Why, never mind, sir done it myself " "How did the young woman come by this letter?" "'T is in ewidence as years ago she was maid to a lady now Mrs. Vere-Manville, it was give her by that same.

Turning about, I espied him on his knees, examining the contents of the dead man's pockets with a methodical precision that revolted me. "Of mine?" said I, shuddering. "Your werry own, sir. 'T was one o' the reasons as I brought you along I do 'ope Windictiveness here ain't destroyed it ah, 'ere it is, Mr. Werricker, sir though the seal's broke, you'll ob-serve."

"Gray's Inn is 'andiest, sir, and I must ask you to step out a bit, they're a rough crowd as lives 'ereabouts, scamps an' hunters, didlers an' cly-fakers, so I must ask you to step out a bit, this is a bad country for me." "Bad for you? Why?" "On account o' windictiveness, sir!" "Of what?"

"It is," nodded Barnabas. "V'y, then, to begin vith, that theer coat o' yours, it's too long to run in off vith it, sir!" Barnabas smiled, but off came the long, befrogged surtout. "Now my castor, sir" and Mr. Shrig handed Barnabas his famous hat. "Put it on, sir, if you please. You'll find it a bit 'eavyish at first, maybe, but it's werry good ag'in windictiveness."

"Aye, to be sure, sir!" nodded Mr. Shrig. "Wiciousness has been a-ridin' in that theer chaise an' Windictiveness a-gallopin' arter on your 'oss. P'raps you can likewise tell me who't was as rode your 'oss?" "No," I answered, "unless good heaven, can it be Anthony my friend Mr. Vere-Manville?" "Name sounds familiar!" said Mr.

If you commits the fact for private wengeance, windictiveness or personal gain, then 't is murder damned an' vith a werry big he-M; but if so be you commits the fact to rid yourself or friends an' the world in general of evil, then I 'old 't is a murder justifiable. Consequently it will go to my 'eart to appre-'end this here murderer." "Who is he?" I demanded. "Ex-cuse me, sir no!

"Middlin'. Accordin'." An uncertain sound. It conveyed a doubt of the desirability of goodness. "You don't bear no ill-will neither to me, nor yet to old Mrs. Prichard?" "Bones alive, no!" This also may have been coined at home. "That was the idear, don't you twig, missis? I never did 'old with windictiveness, among friends." "Then you do like I tell you.