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Then along another passage, and up another flight of stairs just like the first. Then along another passage and up a third flight of stairs. They was alike. "Well, sir, here we was at the top o' the house. One o' them willains opened a door on the left side, and t'other said: "'There go in and do your duty! and pushed me through the door and shut and locked it on me.

"If we bag the lot we'll be killing two birds with one stone, as the saying goes." "Come on!" cried Paul Livingstone. "I want to get those two horse thieves by all means. Why, there is a reward of one thousand dollars for their capture, dead or alive." "By golly, I'se out fo' dat reward!" came from Aleck, and he pulled out a horse pistol which he was carrying. "Jess let me see dem willains."

"Well, marster, I ain't a gwine to bother you with telling you of how I toiled and struggled along in that great city first living out as a servant, and afterward renting a room and taking in washing and ironing ay! how I toiled and struggled for ten long years, hoping for the time to come when I should be able to return to this neighborhood, where I was known, and expose the evil deeds of them willains.

And all the time I heard the measured tramping of one of them willains up and down the passage outside of that room. Presently the steps stopped, and there was a rap at the door. I went and listened, but did not open it. "'Is it all over? the voice asked. "Before I could answer a cry from the bed caused me to look round.

"But I didn't I dropped my hand down as if I had been shot, and afore I had seen anything, either. So we went through the gate and up a gravelly walk I knew it by the crackling of the gravel under Molly's feet and stopped at a horse-block, where one o' them willains lifted me off. I put up my hand agin. "'Do if you dare! says t'other one, with the mizzle o' the pistol at my head.

"No use goin' on; de dam willains will keep a scrougin' and slappin' each oder, Massa Stubb; dey don't hear one word; no use a-preaching to such dam g'uttons as you call 'em, till dare bellies is full, and dare bellies is bottomless; and when dey do get 'em full, dey wont hear you den; for den dey sink in de sea, go fast to sleep on de coral, and can't hear noting at all, no more, for eber and eber."

"No use goin' on; de dam willains will keep a scougin' and slappin' each oder, Massa Stubb; dey don't hear one word; no use a-preaching to such dam g'uttons as you call 'em, till dare bellies is full, and dare bellies is bottomless; and when dey do get 'em full, dey wont hear you den; for den dey sink in the sea, go fast to sleep on de coral, and can't hear noting at all, no more, for eber and eber."

I sees they two willains a-talkin' together, and when that 'ere Woltaire went off by himself, the other took it 'pon him to keep wi' me. I tried to git 'im off, but 'twas no use; he stuck to me like a limpet to a rock." "Perhaps it was all fancy, Simon." "No fancy in me, but a lot o' judgment. Fact, sur, I've begun to think for the fust time as 'ow some things in the Bible ain't true.

"'Be quiet, fool, or come away farther here. And the two willains moved out of even my hearing. " I should o' been uneasy, master, if it hadn't been the 'oman they were talking about was named Kate, and that wasn't my name, which were well beknown to be Nancy. "Presently I heard the carriage drive away.

"Good Heaven!" exclaimed Major Warfield. "Well, master, before I could cry out, one of them willains seized me by the scruff of my neck, and, with his other hand upon my mouth, he says: "'Be silent, you old fool, or I'll blow your brains out! "And then, master, I saw for the first time that their faces were covered over with black crape.