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The youth made his salutations, not ungracefully, yet with an air of reserve which the king noticed. "I thought St. Brice had got him long ago, and feared thou wert on a wild-goose chase." "It is a long tale to tell now, my liege." "Have they Christianised him?" said the king, with a sly look. "He will soon lose that," replied Anlaf.

Then, after a pause, "Cherry will be broken-hearted." "I hadn't thought of her," confessed the other. "You see, it's her last chance, too." "So she told me. I'm sorry I brought you all these thousands of miles on a wild-goose chase, but " "I don't care for myself. I'll get back somehow and live in the brush, like I used to, and some day I'll get my chance.

"I guessed it that first night of storm in the coach up to Chitina. I knew it for certain before we left Tanana. She didn't tell me, but I wasn't blind. It was the note that puzzled and frightened me the note she stuffed in her slipper. And Rossland told me, before I left, that going for you was a wild-goose chase, as he intended to take Mrs. John Graham back with him immediately."

Business is good, but I don't seem to care much about it any more. Honestly, dear, I think you have treated me very badly. I always feel as though the people I meet are wondering if we have quarreled or what on earth took you away on this wild-goose chase. I don't know myself, so how can I tell them? I shall always love you, Sara Lee. I guess I'm that sort.

Thus, after a while, Bobo learned to ask Tilda's advice before going away on a wild-goose chase, and was in this way saved from many a jest. Tilda, the kitchen-maid, was as sweet and pretty as she was kind and good. She was said to be the daughter of an old crane who had come to the castle one day, asking for help.

Saying which, he resumed his greasing operations. Of course Captain Roy made no objection to his son's proposal, though he freely gave his opinion that it was a wild-goose chase.

I had intended to send a few observations upon the wild-goose to Nature, but since they have extended to quite a long letter, they go to Dagbladet.

The thin hedge dividing the two playgrounds was by this time bare of leaves, and afforded no hiding-place; the only chance of concealment was to take shelter inside the den itself a place which has already been described. This, however, seemed rather like venturing into the lion's mouth. What was going to happen? Would anything take place, or was it only a wild-goose chase after all?

"So, lad, to make an end of a long story," said he to Amyas; "if you are minded to take the old man's offer, so am I: and Westward-ho with you, come foul come fair." "It will be but a wild-goose chase, Will." "If she is with him, we shall find her at La Guayra. If she is not, and the villain has cast her off down the wind, that will be only an additional reason for making an example of him."

Johnson here am I, upsetting my staid life, deserting my business on what may very well prove, after all, but a wild-goose chase! And I do not know to what place in Arizona we are bound, even as a starting-point and base of supplies, much less where your mine is! And I don't suppose there's a map of Arizona in town." "Oh, I'll make you a map," said Pete.