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He is saying in signal code flash and wig-wag "I'm a Robin, I'm a Robin, I'm a Robin." So you will not mistake him for some bird that is less loved. The Robin invented pottery before men did; his nest is always a clay pot set in a little pile of straws.

Strokher saw him wave his arm slowly, now to the left, now to the right, and he took down the wig-wag as follows: "Stand in closer we have the skins." During the course of the next few days Strokher heard the different versions of the affair in the hut over and over again till he knew its smallest details.

"There's one to the right!" Teddy said. "I've lost track of the code already." "No. 1 motion is to the right," Jimmie quoted from the wig-wag lesson he had learned on first becoming a Boy Scout. "It should embrace an arc of ninety degrees, starting at the vertical and returning to it without pause, and should be made in a plane exactly at right angles to the line connecting the two stations.

Pressing on, slowly, cautiously, their weapons within easy reach, the boys finally turned a little angle of rock and came within sight of a camp-fire not far away. "There!" Jimmie whispered. "I had a notion that we should find more than one here. Why did the Scout wig-wag for help when there were three husky men with him?" Teddy opened his eyes wider, but attempted no solution of the puzzle.

"It's only a question of time when that detective will get next to the wig-wag game," Elmer declared. "This gangway smells like a match factory already. I wonder how far Jimmie is away from them." Directly Jimmie began talking the wig-wag tongue again. This time he said that Tommy and George were not in sight, and had evidently been surprised and taken prisoners.

"If you need us by day, Laura knows how to wig-wag with those flags. I taught her." "For pity's sake, Chet!" exclaimed Jess, with some asperity. "Do you suppose we are going to need you boys every hour, or so?" "I hope not!" added Lil Pendleton. "Surely we ought to be able to get along in camp just as well as you boys." "Hear! hear!" cried Bobby.

The perfection of wireless telegraphy has caused the Ardois and other signal systems depending upon sight or sound to be discarded in all but exceptional cases. The wig-wag and similar systems will probably never be entirely displaced by even such superior systems as wireless telegraphy.

She said, as they trooped up to dress: "We'll wig-wag the boys and bring them over. They will help us search the island. Besides, we shall need one of the powerboats to go for more food. It seems funny that a man who was willing to pay for what he took and pay so well did not go down to Elberon Crossing and buy at the store just what he took from us."

"What a pity the little girl cannot walk." "That's about the way generally," finished Cleo vaguely. "But run! There go Margaret and Winnie McKay," and the bright-eyed, pink- cheeked child, so eagerly watching the girl scouts through the open window of the big gray car, was soon forgotten in the more urgent demands of the wig-wag report.

Leaving Sandy and Elmer in the gangway from which the wig-wag signals had been shown, the others hastened up the ladder to the second level. Then Dick ran away to bring the rope, while Will questioned the caretaker regarding the fall between the two levels.