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It was left to her, at the last moment, to make a show of excusing herself, an attempt so brave and yet so wretchedly lame that I tingled all over with hot shame. She only made matters worse, and Davies interrupted her. 'Auf Wiedersehen, he said, simply. She shook her head, did not even offer her hand, and pulled away; Davies turned sharp round and went below.

When do you think you can get over to see that fort?" "I don't know," answered the soldier sharply, "but I'll meet you here day after to-morrow at the same hour. Auf Wiedersehen," and he was gone. After his departure, his companion lingered a moment, lit a cigarette, looked up at the sky, and, seeing that the shower was nearly over, strolled off in the opposite direction.

Good-bye, Passil, my tear poy. Auf wiedersehen!" March went away thinking of what Lindau had said, but not for the impersonal significance of his words so much as for the light they cast upon Lindau himself. He thought the words violent enough, but in connection with what he remembered of the cheery, poetic, hopeful idealist, they were even more curious than lamentable.

But when Louise heard the word theatre, she laid a slim, ungloved hand on Dove's arm. "The very thing for such a night!" They all said "AUF WIEDERSEHEN!" to one another; she did not offer to shake hands again, and Maurice nursed a faint hope that it was on his account. He opened the window, leant out, and watched them, until they went round the corner of the street.

"And I. You will find me here at dinner-time." said the old man. "It is the best place"; and March fancied him reluctant to give another address. To cover his consciousness he answered, gayly: "Then, it's 'auf wiedersehen' with us. Well!" "Also!" The old man took his hand, and made a mechanical movement with his mutilated arm, as if he would have taken it in a double clasp. He laughed at himself.

"Go," said Mr. Britling to the taxi driver. "Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Heinrich!" "Auf Wiedersehen!" "Good-bye, Herr Heinrich!" "Good luck, Herr Heinrich!" The taxi started with a whir, and Herr Heinrich passed out of the gates and along the same hungry road that had so recently consumed Mr. Direck. "Give him a last send-off," cried Teddy. "One, Two, Three! Auf Wiedersehen!"

And so he went off, waving his green hat to us and calling out Auf Wiedersehen till the forest engulfed him. Herr von Inster and the Graf went too, but quietly. The Graf went exceedingly quietly. He hadn't said a word to anybody, as far as I could see, and no rallyings on the part of the Colonel could make him.

Good-bye, mon Capitaine; you have been very kind." She drew off her gauntlet and extended her hand. I bent and kissed, possibly too lingeringly, the little fingers. "Farewell, Princess," I said. And then, half under my breath, I added: "Till we meet again." She heard, and again that smile. "'Auf Wiedersehen' be it," she answered. Then she rode away.

They were not of a nature that would make it my duty to report them, but they might get you into no end of trouble. For instance, you would not be so foolish as to intimate that the Hohenzollern family is not in the middle of the 'big stream." He smiled in spite of himself. Then as the train rolled into the station he took Edestone's hand and said: "Auf wiedersehen, my friend.

So what I did was to take down his name and promise to send him a completed copy of his picture in the care of his regiment and brigade; and the last I saw of him he was half out of a car window waving good-by to us and wishing us auf wiedersehen as he was borne away to his ordained place.