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"I knowed Liz Jones from the time I fished Whoopin' Harbor with Skipper Bill Topsail in the Love the Wind, bein' cotched by the measles thereabouts, which she nursed me through; an' I 'lowed she would wed the cook if he asked her, so, thinks I, I'll go ashore with the fool t' see that she don't. No; she wasn't handsome not Liz.

"Isn't she rather old?" inquired one whose manners were not learned of Lord Chesterfield. "I dunno," he replied; "she's hearn it thunder enough not to be skeered, an' she's had the measles an' the whoopin' cough, an' the chicken pox, an' the mumps, an' got through with her nonsense." Jim had a weary winter.

Then, why must fo'ks raise sich a cavortment 'bout lovin' God hollahin' an' whoopin' an' sprawlin' 'roun' on the ground lak Sal Fox did thet las' time I wuz et the camp?

All of a suddent I hears a v'ice say, 'Puttee hands light uppee! Sounds like I'd struck a day nursery, but that ain't so, for just before I hears them words there popped out from behind a rock a Chinaman not, by no means, one of these here little Charlie-boys that does your wash and gives you a ticket with picters of strange insecks painted on it, but a whoopin', smashin' old Tartar pirate, seven foot by three, with mustaches like two tails of a small hoss, and cheekbones you could hang your hat on.

By the time the rope was there, every man in camp was up and out, and the grass and weeds within sight had rifle muzzles pointed at everything among them as big as a human head. "No whoopin' sounded," said Yellow Pine. "This cub was alone. I say, you young coyote, you jest answer my questions now, or I'll tan the hide clean off ye."

He was pantin' like he'd run a mile, and I heard him say in a whisper, 'Oh, my God! just like that, 'Oh, my God!" The handy-man paused with this grotesque mimicry of terror. "And then?" prompted Moxlow, in the breathless silence. "And then he took off up the alley as if all hell was whoopin' after him!"

"Major says would you like him to give them a few rounds, sir," I shouts up, an' the F.O. says, "Yes three rounds gun-fire, on the lines the guns are laid." So off goes your three rounds, an' I could hear your shells whoopin' along over our heads. "Number One gun add twenty-five yards," calls down the F.O., an' then gives some more corrections an' calls for one round battery fire.

"Ain't it a caution what lungs that child has considerin'?" Martha reflected. "Just hear her holler! She'd wake the dead. I wonder if she's tryin' to beat that auta whoopin' it up outside. Have you ever noticed them autas nowadays? Some of them has such croupy coughs, before I know it I'm huntin' for a flannen an' a embrercation. 'Xcuse me a minit while I go answer the bell."

He reached into his pocket, drew out a silver dollar, and handed it to the amazed mountain man. "Theh!" he repeated, defiantly. "I've shore gone to Hell, now, an' I don't give a damn, nuther. S'long, boys! D'rectly, yo'l heah me jes' a whoopin', yas suh! Jes' a whoopin'!" He left them abruptly and he went up into the darkness of the laurels. They heard him crashing away into the night.

But it's on with the dance! They keeps whoopin' an' shoutin' an' ridin' the cirkle an' grabbin' at the gander, each in his cheerful turn, ontil some strong or lucky party sweeps away the prize, assoomes title to the two-bit pieces, goes struttin' to the licker room an' buys nosepaint for the pop'lace tharwith.