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WESTERN AND SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA: Elk in season, mule and white-tail deer; no sheep that it would be right to kill. NORTHWESTERN MONTANA: Mule and white-tailed deer, only. No sheep, bear, moose, elk or antelope to kill! WYOMING, EAST OF YELLOWSTONE PARK: A few elk, by migration from the Park; a few deer, and bear of two species. NORTHERN WOODS OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC: Moose; deer.

"How wonderful!" He made up his mind he would have those leggings, if he had to steal them. They went out to hunt, and the first patch of brush they came to, the Sun set on fire with his hunting leggings. A lot of white-tail deer ran out, and they each shot one. That night, when they went to bed, the Sun pulled off his leggings and placed them to one side.

And you'll be interested to know that there's a pair of white-tail eagles nestin' on one of the crags up the cañon. I got a good view of them from the opposite side." "I'm goin' ter have a look at those eagles," decided Rube. "I'll go to-morrow evenin' the same time as when you were there, an' when they're likely to be at home."

Like the bighorn, the black-tails at this time were grazing, not browsing; but I occasionally saw them nibble some willow buds. During the winter they had been browsing. As we got close to the Hot Springs we came across several white-tail in an open, marshy meadow. They were not quite as tame as the black-tail, although without any difficulty I walked up to within fifty yards of them.

At last there was a shout at a side door, and running out I found Faye standing up very tall and with a broad smile on his face, and on the ground at his feet was an immense white-tail deer!

It was a most astonishing set of double impressions. We succeeded in killing a nice, fat white-tail buck, and so returned to camp happy. The rain, held off. We dug ditches, organised shelters, cooked a warm meal. For the next day we planned a bear hunt afoot, far up a manzanita canon where Uncle Jim knew of some "holing up" caves.

At that little log hotel of ten or twelve rooms there were seven kinds of meat black-tail deer, white-tail deer, bear, grouse, prairie chicken, squirrels, and domestic fowl the latter still in possession of their heads.

The mule deer is good for the Rocky Mountains, and can live where the white-tail can not; but it is too easy to shoot! The Columbian black-tail is the natural species for the forests of the Pacific states; but it is a trifle small in size.

Handsome though the black-tail is, the white-tail is the most beautiful of all deer when in motion, because of the springy, bounding grace of its trot and canter, and the way it carries its head and white flag aloft. Before reaching the Mammoth Hot Springs we also saw a number of ducks in the little pools and on the Gardiner. Some of them were rather shy.

Again I dozed and awakened with the sense of having stopped suddenly. A light wind had arisen and we were fast on a bar. Frank and I took our blankets out on the sand, rolled up and went to sleep. The red of dawn awoke us as though some one had shouted. Frank and I sat up and stared about. A white-tail deer was drinking at the river's edge three hundred yards away.