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I really began to think we had imagined the creature, when, whish! came a flash of white lightning, and out the thing bolted pure white with a splash of brown its winter coat, of course. I shot at it, but it was no go. If I'd only put a bag over the hole, and not been an idiot, I should have caught it." The boy swung along, busily ruminating for a minute or two, and forgetting his trouble.

'That is why, Mr Whish, said Attwater; 'that is why the house is empty and the graveyard full. 'Twenty-nine out of thirty-three! exclaimed Herrick, 'Why, when it came to burying or did you bother burying? 'Scarcely, said Attwater; 'or there was one day at least when we gave up.

It's dark, but it's light enough for that, so come ashore and " Whish! rush! crash! "Row! pull! pull!" whispered Bob excitedly, as there was a loud breaking of the low growth on the bank close by them, followed by the loud clap given by a swing-gate violently dashed to.

Starting from a point miles away, where, seemingly, the sky came down to the sea, was a narrow ribbon of fire, which slowly unrolled itself against the star-lit vault over our heads. On, on it came, and was apparently following the sky down to the horizon behind us. As it reached the zenith, there came to our ears a prolonged, but not sharp, "Whish ish-ish-ish-ish!"

Of course the man could not understand the words but in the nods we had exchanged and in the cook's fierce glee, he had read our consent, and he laughed and talked with the others, who laughed, too, and pointed at Roger's pistol and cried, "Pom-pom!" and at the cook's cleaver and cried, "Whish!"

"A thousand guineas on Katty! M'Carthy agin Gallagher for ever! whirroo!" "Blur alive the flure's not benefittin by you, Paddy. Lay on it, man! That's it! Bravo! Whish! Our side agin Europe!" "Success, Paddy! Why you could dance the Dusty Miller upon a flure paved wid drawn razures, you're so soople." "Katty for ever! The blood's in you, Katty; you'll win the day, a ban choir! More power to you!"

Keep it up, Black Jack, but if you ever change your mind, lemme know. I'll be handy. Here's luck!" And he was gone as he had entered, with a whish of the swiftly moved door in the air, and no click of the lock. The door had hardly closed on him when Terence wanted to run after him and call him back.

Find um, Mass' George," cried the boy, who was in a high state of excitement. "Find what?" I cried. "Oh, yes, Pomp find um; come and see." "Yes, I'll come," I said. "But, I say, Pomp, there are two chickens gone. Do you know anything about them?" "Yes. Such big bird come and take um, Mass' George. Big bird fly ober de tree, whish whoosh! And 'tick um foot into de chickum."

By Jove, Sir, till common sense is well mixed up with medicine, and common manhood with theology, and common honesty with law, We the people, Sir, some of us with nutcrackers, and some of us with trip-hammers, and some of us with pile-drivers, and some of us coming with a whish! like air-stones out of a lunar volcano, will crash down on the lumps of nonsense in all of them till we have made powder of them like Aaron's calf!

The report came, there was a low groan, and then all at once some one rose as it were out of the darkness and made a blow at me, for I heard the whish of a weapon. But the blow was made in the dark, and had no effect; but whoever struck now made a dash at me, and I ducked down, leaped sidewise, and with my heart in my mouth ran right forward, with whoever it was in pursuit.