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He no where makes so poor a figure as in his controversy with Junius. He has evidently the best of the argument, yet he makes nothing out of it. He tells a long story about himself, without wit or point in it; and whines and whimpers like a school-boy under the rod of his master.

Bruno understood that the soft little whimpers were promises that each puppy would do his best when the test came to him. Jan and Rollo watched the old dog, limping from rheumatism in his shoulders, move slowly across the enclosed yard that opened from the kennels. Bruno was no longer able to go out on the trails, but spent his days teaching the young dogs.

A clip on the jaw made th' sailor let go, an' th' mate, seein' Towers groanin' on th' floor quite close, kicks him hard an' asks what's th' matter. "'We're blown up, sir, Towers whimpers. "'Blown up, ye fool, what d' ye mean? Who's blowin' ye up? demands McClosky.

"I'm glad you're going to give your soul a chance. Your body has been putting it down hard of late." "It's but a weakling," said Mae, with a shake of her head, "and I've hardly heard its whimpers at all, but O, Mr. Mann, if you could have seen Talila she's dreadful." "Who is Talila? and what has she to do with your soul?"

I don't want to be a kill-joy, but don't give me more of that side of your character than you can help. It it makes me sick, mother..." Warren or Madame Varennes whimpers a little, but soon cheers up, rings the bell for her maid preparatory to dressing and being the business woman over her preparations for departure.

Nataly's lips twitched at the remembrance of quaint whimpers of complaint to the Fates, for directing that a large instead of a rather diminutive woman should be the social offender fearing exposure. Majesty in the criminal's dock, is a confounding spectacle. To the bosom of the majestic creature, all her glorious attributes have become the executioner's implements.

The Master saw it, too, and, turning, with one urgent hand on Finn's neck, he shouted "Over and fetch him, Finn! Over boy! Over!" There was no mistaking his meaning. Finn had instant understanding of that. But Finn was no water dog. The sea was very far below. He let out two short nasal whimpers. The Master swung one arm excitedly. "Over, boy! Fetch Tim! Over, then!"

Hezekiah might 'turn his face to the wall' in the extremity of sickness and earnestness of prayer; but Ahab in doing it is only a poor, feeble creature who has weakly set his heart on what is not his, and weakly whimpers because he cannot have it.

The New France is inspired with qualities of Old France, qualities which I call Latin, which have emerged into high relief under grief and suffering and effort. It is above all gallant and high-minded. The wounded Frenchman never complains or whimpers. "C'est la guerre que voulez-vous!" To the surgeon who has operated on him, "Merci, mon major."

He trembles before the image whose convulsed face looks down on him. He adjures Christ to have pity, supplicates Him to spare a sinner, and sobs and weeps, and when, incapable of further effort, he whimpers, he hears, terrified, in his own voice, the lamentations of the children crying for their mothers and pleading for mercy."