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So I circled off on the undulating floor of the prairie, calling "Dinkie" every minute or two and staring into the distance until my eyes ached, hoping to see some moving dot in the midst of all that silence and stillness. "My boy is lost," I kept saying to myself, in sobbing little whimpers, with my heart getting more and more like a ball of lead.

"'Come back to your quarters, sez I, 'an' if you don't believe the livin', begad, you shall listen to the dead, I sez. "I hoisted him an' tuk him back to his quarters. 'Mrs. Bragin, sez I, 'here's a man that you can cure quicker than me. "'You've shamed me before my wife, he whimpers. "'Have I so? sez I. 'By the look on Mrs.

Quickly, however, the real pain in their empty stomachs got the better of them, and they swept round and began to follow half-a-dozen here and there with whimpers.

Even the nights brought her no rest, for while I slept, she stole from cot to cradle and from cradle to crib, covering outflung little legs and arms, cooling parched little throats with water, quieting fretful whimpers and hushing threatening outcries with a low 'Hush, darling, mother's here. Don't cry!

Well, we must resolutely take the first lantern to hand, and stick a fresh candle on the iron point at the bottom; Chrysantheme puts forth all her strength, the candle splits, breaks; the mousme pricks her fingers, pouts and whimpers.

Shivers a deal w'en it ain't cold, groans now an' then, an whimpers a good deal. It strikes me, now though I ain't a reg'lar sawbones that there's suthin' wrong with her in'ards." "I'll finish breakfast quickly and go over with you to see her," said I. "Don't need to 'urry, sir," returned Slidder; "she ain't wery bad not much wuss than or'nary on'y I've bin too anxious about her poor old thing.

"I wish you would do something," urged Almayer, moodily. "You know, that woman is a perfect nuisance to me. She and her brat! Yelps all day. And the children don't get on together. Yesterday the little devil wanted to fight with my Nina. Scratched her face, too. A perfect savage! Like his honourable papa. Yes, really. She worries about her husband, and whimpers from morning to night.

"There I believe you, for if you knew what I meant and could stand there quietly without clenching your fist, you would be no better than a dog who only whimpers when he's kicked and licks the hand that torments him." The physician turned pale.

"And I warrant now," remarked Colonel Whimpers, as soon as the tale was finished, "that you two boys get the first clew to where the robbers are hiding. Didn't you beat the wonderful Chief out before, and doesn't history have a habit of repeating itself? Oh; if only I was ten years younger, how I'd love to be along, when all these glorious things are happening.

Through the long hours of the night, though darkness shut away the sight of the other dogs, Jan could hear restless movements and choked whimpers, so that he could not forget where he was, and at last, when morning broke, he lifted his head slowly and looked at the dogs around him.