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Did he happen t' mention th' word wife?" "Oh, many times, Ann." "Good f'r him! An' when's it t' be?" "Oh, Ann, dear, I I'm afraid it's to-night!" "T'night? My land, he's sure some hasty!" "And so so masterful, Ann!" "Well, y' sure need a master. But t'night land sakes!" "He wrote and told me he would fix things so he could marry me to-night, Ann!" "Then he's sure out fixin' 'em right now.

"I've always said one thing, that if ever I got married, Miss Dale was going to make my wedding dress. I can sew well enough for ordinary clothes, but a wedding dress is sort of special. That calls for a regular dressmaker, and there ain't but one dressmaker in Clematis that counts." "When's the wedding to be?" Persis asked. A sudden sinking of the heart foretold the answer.

Starling had not done her work yet. "When's that young man comin' again?" she asked abruptly at the foot of the stairs, stopping to trim the wick of her candle, and looking into the light without winking. "I don't know " Diana faltered. "I don't know that he is ever coming again." "Don't expect him either, don't you?"

Bin born and raised in the State of Maine, d'ye see, an' never tasted a drop all my life." "Very good," said the captain, who plumed himself on being a clever physiognomist, and had already formed a good opinion of the man. "Do you ever swear?" "Never, but when I can't help it." "And when's that?" "When I'm fit to bu'st."

"Well," she began reflectively, not willing to acknowledge that she had never known the exact date, "I'm nevah ve'y p'tick'lah 'bout its obsa'vation. It's on a Monday, long in early garden-makin' time." They had come to a little brook, bridged by a wide, hewed log. When they had crossed in careful silence, John Jay began again. "Mammy, when's my buthday?"

"Old Bess, that's the Cunnel's favoright dawg, you-all know, she done have 'leven puppies las' night." "That so?" "Yassah. Cunnel, he's off down on the Sun-flowah." "Um-h-h." "Yassah; got most all his dawgs wid 'im. We goin' to have b'ah meat now for sho'," this with a wide grin. "Reckon so," said the visitor. "When's Cunnel coming back, you reckon?"

"Sites, this is Harry's son." Mr. Sites shook hands with Sunny Boy, smiling down at him cheerfully. "You don't say!" he drawled. "Well, youngster, your father and I went to school together. When's he coming up? I'd like to see him again." "Daddy's coming next week, pretty soon," sang Sunny Boy, capering about the mowing machine joyously. "He wrote me a letter. May I sit on it, Grandpa?"

She'd have been put to it if it hadn't been for the turn things took. When's she to go?" "To these here Towels, or Towers, whichever you call 'em? M'riar didn't spot that. When she's took back, I suppose. When the young lady goes." "What'll your young customer say to Mrs. Prichard being gone, when his aunt brings him back?" Uncle Mo seemed to cogitate over this.

"Ukridge," I said, "I'm engaged!" "What!" A huge hand whistled through the darkness and smote me heavily between the shoulder-blades. "By Jove, old boy, I wish you luck. 'Pon my Sam I do! Best thing in the world for you. Bachelors are mere excrescences. Never knew what happiness was till I married. When's the wedding to be?" "That's where I want your advice.

The captain sprang to his feet. His chair tipped backward and fell to the floor. An obsequious waiter ran to right it, but Captain Cy paid no attention to him. "Where's my coat?" he demanded. "Where's my coat and hat?" "What ails you?" asked Everdean. "Are you going crazy?" "Goin' CRAZY? No, no! I'm goin' to California. When's the next train?"