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Whan Glenwarlock's at the tither en', we'll set tu thegither an' be up wi' him afore he's had time to put a fresh edge on's scythe. Come, Aggie! I hae lang been thinkin' lang to hae a word wi' ye. Ye left me or I kent whaur I was the ither nicht." "My time's no my ain," answered Aggie. "Whause is 't than?" "While's it's the laird's, an' while's it's my father's, an' noo it's his lordship's."

"There's anither whause upbringin wasna to blame: my upbringin was a' it oucht to hae been and see hoo ill I turnt oot!" "It wasna what it oucht! I see 't a' plain the noo! I was aye ower feart o' garrin ye hate me! Oh, Isy, Isy, I hae dene ye wrang! I ken ye cud never hae laid yersel oot to snare him it wasna in ye to dee 't!" "Thank ye, mother! It was, railly and truly, a' my wyte!

Then Janet thought about a cap; but considering him a moment critically, and seeing how his hair stood out like thatch-eaves round his head, she concluded with herself "There maun be some men as weel's women fowk, I'm thinkin', whause hair's gien them for a coverin'," and betook herself instead to her New Testament.

"Ye needna speyk like that," returned Mrs Mellis, for Miss Horn's tone was threatening: "I'm no Jean." "What saw ye?" repeated Miss Horn, more gently, but not less eagerly. "Whause is that kist o' mahogany drawers i' that bedroom, gien I may preshume ta spier?" "Whause but mine?" "They're no Jean's?" "Jean's!" "Ye micht hae latten her keep her bit duds i' them, for onything I kent!"

Before they reached it the door opened, and Eppie appeared with an overflow of question and anxious welcome. "What on earth " she began. "Naething but a bonny wee bairnie, whause mither has tint it!" at once interrupted and answered Maggie, flying up to her, and laying the child in her arms. Mrs. Cormack stood and stared, now at Maggie, and now at the bundle that lay in her own arms.

But ye wull lat me kiss him afore ye tak him awa'? my ain bairnie, whause vera comin I had prepared shame for! Oh my God! But he kens naething aboot it, and winna ken for years to come! And nane but his ain mammie maun brak the dreid trowth til him! and by that time he'll lo'e her weel eneuch to be able to bide it!

"What for," moaned Marion, "was the hert o' a mither put intil me? What for was I made a wuman, whause life is for the beirin o' bairns to the great Father o' a' gien this same was to be my reward? Na, na, Lord," she went on, checking herself, "I claim naething but thy wull; and weel I ken ye wouldna hae me think siclike thy wull!"

I doobt she micht turn oot to be but a makshift hersel! There's mony aboot 'im 'at'll be sair eneuch upon 'im, but nane the wiser for that! Mony ane'll luik upon 'im as a bairn in whause existence God has had nae share or jist as muckle share as gies him a grup o' 'im to gie 'im his licks!